收稿日期: 2007-04-15
修回日期: 2007-10-15
网络出版日期: 2008-02-25
国家自然科学基金重点项目(40635029); 中国科学院地理资源所创新三期领域前沿项目
Dynamic Mechanism and Models of Regional Rural Development in China
Received date: 2007-04-15
Revised date: 2007-10-15
Online published: 2008-02-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40635029; Knowledge Innovation Project of the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS
从系统论的角度, 剖析农村系统的要素组成、结构特征及动力机制, 是构建区域农村 发展主导模式的理论基础。研究表明: ① 区域系统是一个连续的城乡统一体, 农村问题必须 置于区域整体系统的大框架下进行研究。② 区域农村发展系统是一个由农村发展内核系统和 农村发展外缘系统组成的复杂综合体, 农村发展的本质就是两者之间相互耦合协调作用的过 程。③ 区域农村发展综合能力取决于农村自我发展能力和工业化与城市化的外援驱动力两个 方面, 三者均是矢量的概念, 符合物理学意义中力的平行四边形法则。两个分力之间相互组 合, 形成四种不同的类型, 对应不同的农村发展状态。④ 依据区域农村发展动力源的差异 性, 将农村发展模式分为工业化、城市化外援驱动主导型和农村自我发展主导型两个一级类, 以及工业企业带动型和特色产业发展型等六个二级类。以系统要素→结构→功能→发展为研 究主线, 结合不同农村发展模式的特征与要求, 是地理学研究农村发展机制与模式的新视角。
张富刚,刘彦随 . 中国区域农村发展动力机制及其发展模式[J]. 地理学报, 2008 , 63(2) : 115 -122 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200802001
The agriculture, rural and farmer development are the principal and radical problems in the recent economic and social process in China. Nowadays, aiming at building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and modernizing the country, the project of new socialist countryside construction was advanced at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Party, which means advanced production, improved livelihood, a civilized social atmosphere, clean and tidy villages and efficient management. Though many researches have been conducted on the new socialist countryside construction and given some suggestions, there have been relatively few studies on the research of rural development theory. It is an original approach to the analysis of the elements and configuration of the whole rural development system to provide theoretical basis for choosing rural development models based on the view of system theory. The results are as the follows: (1) The regional system is a urban-rural integration, so it is very necessary to study rural development problem in the general framework of the whole regional system. (2) Regional rural development system is a complicated synthesis, including regional rural development core system and regional rural development exterior system. The former is composed of rural natural system, rural economic system, rural social system and rural ecological system, and the latter consists of regional development policies, international trade circumstance, etc. The essence of rural development is the process of mutual coupling and coordination of the two sub-systems. (3) The regional rural comprehensive ability lies on two aspects including the rural development inner ability and the exterior drive of urbanization and industrialization. The interaction mechanism obeys parallelogram principle in physics. The evolvement characteristics of rural development system are different in the different combinations of the inner and exterior driving forces. (4) According to the difference of rural development driving forces, rural development models are classified into two types, namely the dominant type of rural self-development and the dominant type of the exterior drive of industrialization and urbanization, and six sub-types at the second level, which are industry driving, villages and towns construction driving, labor force transfer driving, characteristic industry driving, eco-tourism development and specialized market organization driving. In conclusion, it is a scientific approach to the exploration of regional rural sustainable development models, based on the analysis of elements, construction, and function of regional rural development system and characteristics.
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