收稿日期: 2007-06-16
修回日期: 2007-11-20
网络出版日期: 2008-03-25
国家自然科学基金项目(70573111); 国家科技支撑计划(2006BAD05B03-6)
Cultivated Land Resour ces Value System and Its Evaluation in Beijing
Received date: 2007-06-16
Revised date: 2007-11-20
Online published: 2008-03-25
Supported by
The National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.70573111; The National Science and Technology Support Planning, No.2006BAD05B03-6
北京市为例尝试设计了耕地资源价值体系, 分析其价值关系, 进而探讨耕地资源经 济价值、社会保障价值、生态价值的估算方法, 并对北京市1990-2005 年耕地价值进行了定 量测算。研究结果表明: ① 北京市耕地资源单位面积经济价值呈较快增长, 1990 年为 12.57×104 元/hm2, 2005 年为108.12×104 元/hm2; ② 耕地资源社会保障价值供给能力和农 村居民的需求水平相距甚远, 1997 年供给能力为49.19×104 元/hm2, 需求水平为160.56×104 元/hm2, 2005 年供给能力为74.82×104 元/hm2, 需求水平为305.48×104 元/hm2。可见, 耕 地作为农民重要的社会保障资源已不堪重负, 农村社会保障体系亟待建立; ③ 生态价值供给 能力总体呈下降趋势, 1994 年达到171.21×108 元, 2005 年为70.87×108 元, 大量耕地减少 是重要的影响因素。但基于人口增加和人们生活水平不断提高, 生态价值的总体需求和多元 需求呈不断增长趋势, 所以需要保持和提高耕地表面的植被覆盖度, 为此政府有必要对农民 因种植耕地给予其一定的生态补偿。
李翠珍,孔祥斌,孙宪海 . 北京市耕地资源价值体系及价值估算方法[J]. 地理学报, 2008 , 63(3) : 321 -329 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200803010
The paper quantifies cultivated land resources economic value, social insurance value and ecological service value in Beijing from 1990 to 2005. The results indicate that: (1) The economic value per hectare increased rapidly from 12.57×104 yuan in 1990 to 108.12× 104 yuan in 2005. (2) In Beijing region, the social insurance value supplied by cultivated land resources is low, but the demand for the social insurance value of the rural residents is high. The supply is 49.19 ×104 yuan/hm2 in 1997 and 74.82 ×104 yuan/hm2 in 2005, while the demand is 160.56 ×104 yuan/hm2 in 1990 and 305.48 ×104 yuan/hm2 in 2005. As the most important basic resources for rural population, cultivated land resources have been overexploited, thus the rural social insurance system should be established as soon as possible, shifting land insurance function out. (3) The total ecological service value went up at first, then decreased greatly, being 142.75 ×108 yuan in 1990, 171.21 ×108 yuan in 1994 and 70.87 ×108 yuan in 2005, respectively, which is due to the decrease of cultivated land resources in Beijing region. But the total ecological service value demand and diversification demand increased because of population growth and living standard raising. In order to keep and improve the vegetation cover, the government should make some ecological compensation for the rural residents. Finally, the paper puts forward that in order to preserve cultivated land resources, the interests of every value subject need to be taken into account, especially the farmers' interest, and that the three values of cultivated land resources would be coordinated.
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