收稿日期: 2003-03-01
修回日期: 2003-07-05
网络出版日期: 2003-12-25
国家重点基础研究专项经费项目(G1999043400);中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 (KZ CX3-SW-218)
The Desertification over North China through Comparing the Long-time Variation of Air Temperature and 0 cm Soil Temperature
Received date: 2003-03-01
Revised date: 2003-07-05
Online published: 2003-12-25
Supported by
China NKBRSF Project G1999043400; Knowledge Innovation Project, CAS, No.KZCX3-SW-218
通过研究对比中国北方地区 (35oN以北,100oE以东) 1956~2000年间496个台站的观测气温 (Ta) 和0 cm地温 (Ts) 的变化特征,使用Ta-Ts的距平值建立了一个土壤荒漠化指标。研究表明:1956~2000年的45年间,土壤荒漠化最为严重的是我国西北东部(35o~45oN,100o~110oE),这一地区的土壤荒漠化从20世纪70年代开始逐步加剧,进入80年代以后呈现显著的恶化趋势;东北地区 (45o~52oN,120o~135oE) 春季从20世纪90年代以后也出现了微弱的荒漠化倾向;尽管华北地区 (35o~45oN,110o~120oE) 的夏季降水明显减少,但是并没有发现这一地区土壤植被的恶化趋势。在年际变动尺度上,土壤荒漠化指数与降水变化有着良好的对应关系,说明降水仍是影响我国北方土壤状况的主要因素。在西北东部的夏季和华北地区的春夏两季,土壤荒漠化指数与归一化土壤植被指数 (NDVI) 的良好关系进一步表明使用Ta-Ts作为土壤荒漠化指数的可行性。
艾丽坤,郭维栋 . 从地-气温差的长期变化检测中国北部土壤荒漠化[J]. 地理学报, 2003 , 58(7s) : 108 -116 . DOI: 10.11821/xb20037s013
In this research, a new type of desertification index is built by using the anomalies of differences between the air temperature (Ta) and the 0cm soil temperature (Ts) over northern part (35oN north, 100oE east) of China. Depending on the data from 1956 to 2000, the most serious desertification happens over the eastern part of Northwest China (35o~45oN, 100o~110oE) in both spring and summer, which began from the 1970s, and became much remarkable from the 1980s. A tendency of desertification is also found over Northeast China (45o~52oN, 120o~135oE) from the 1990s. Although the precipitation over central North China (35o~45oN, 110o~120oE) decreased notably from 1956 to 2000, we have not found the tendency of desertification over this area. The desertification indices (Ta-Ts) over the above three areas are correlated to the precipitation very well, which indicates the key roles of precipitation to the desertification index. The high correlations between Ta-Ts and NDVI in summer of eastern part of Northwest China and both spring and summer of central North China show the feasibility of the desertification index used in this research.
Key words: air temperature; soil temperature; desertification; climate change; North China
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