收稿日期: 2007-09-10
修回日期: 2008-02-19
网络出版日期: 2008-05-26
Dynamic Analysis of Water Resources Supply- demand Balance about Mining Cities in Central Liaoning
Received date: 2007-09-10
Revised date: 2008-02-19
Online published: 2008-05-26
Supported by
National Key Basic Research and Development Program Foundation of China, No.2004CB418507
辽中地区矿业城市是我国重要的能源生产和重工业基地, 研究其水资源供需变化有利于实现水资源可持续化管理, 促进经济、生态协调发展。分析了水资源供需平衡框架, 可利用水资源和需水量的计算方法, 以及水资源供需平衡的影响因子。结果表明: 1997-2005 年, 辽中地区矿业城市水资源供需区域差异明显, 鞍山市水资源供需失衡明显, 但缺水量逐渐降 低, 2005 年仅缺水0.32×108 m3, 水资源开发利用率平均达到65.56%, 用水属于高度紧张; 抚顺市水资源供需基本持平, 近几年余水量逐渐增大, 2005 年余水5.25×108 m3, 水资源开 发利用率平均达到35.11%, 用水属于中高度紧张; 本溪市水资源供需平衡, 可利用水资源大 于需水量, 2005 年余水8.65×108 m3, 水资源开发利用率平均达到27.96%, 用水属于中高度 紧张。鞍山的需水结构以农业需水和生态环境需水为主, 两者达到总需水量的76%; 抚顺以生态环境需水为主, 达到60%, 农业需水次之, 达到23%; 本溪生态环境需水达到67%, 工业需水次之, 为15%。自然条件的差异是水资源供需变化差异的基础, 人类社会经济活动和政策法规是水资源供需变化的主要影响因子。
顾康康, 刘景双, 陈昕 . 辽中地区矿业城市水资源供需平衡动态分析[J]. 地理学报, 2008 , 63(5) : 473 -481 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200805003
The mining cities in central Liaoning region are important energy production and heavy industry base in China. It is important to conduct research on their water resources supply-demand change. The framework of water resources supply-demand balance, the calculation of both useable water resources and water resource demand, and the influencing factors of water resources supply-demand balance were analyzed. Results showed that: from 1997 to 2005, the regional differences of water resources supply-demand balance among the mining cities in central Liaoning region were evident. The water resources supply-demand in Anshan was notably unbalanced, while the lack of water resources was declining, which was 0.32 ×108 m3 in 2005; the supply-demand of water resources in Fushun kept balance on the whole, the surplus of water resources was increasing, which was 5.25 ×108 m3 in 2005; for Benxi the water resources supply-demand was balanceable, the available water resources exceeded the water resource demand each year, the surplus of water resource was 8.65×108 m3 in 2005. The utilization rate of water resources in Anshan was 65.56%, while the degree of water demand was highly intense; the utilization rate of water resources in Fushun was 35.11%, while the degree of water demand was moderately highly intense; for Benxi the utilization rate of water resources was 27.96% , while the degree of water demand was moderately highly intense. The structures of water resource demand were also different among mining cities in central Liaoning region. In Anshan, the water demand of agriculture and eco-environment were primary, which accounted for 76% of the total; in Fushun, the eco-environment water demand was most significant, which accounted for 60% , the agriculture water demand accounted for only 23%; in Benxi, eco-environment water demand accounted for 67%, while industrial water demand accounted for only 15%.
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