收稿日期: 2007-12-20
修回日期: 2008-05-18
网络出版日期: 2008-08-25
国家自然科学基金重点项目(40635026) ;国家自然科学基金项目(40701045)
Discrimination Method and Its Application Analysis of Regional Transport Superiority
Received date: 2007-12-20
Revised date: 2008-05-18
Online published: 2008-08-25
Supported by
Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40635026;Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40701045
一个区域的交通优势反映在“质”、“量”和“势”三个方面, 每个方面具有相对独立而具体的内涵, 对区域社会经济的发展具有不同的作用, 其中任一方面的刻画和评价仅仅反映区域交通优劣的一个侧面, 只有三方面的综合集成刻画与评价才能真正反映一个区域交通环境的优劣。基于交通地理学的基本理论, 界定了交通优势度的基本概念, 并建立了交通优势度的基本表述结构, 包括交通网络密度、交通干线影响度和区位优势度; 同时基于GIS 技术, 从分项和综合集成两个角度构筑了交通优势度评价的空间数理模型。以我国2365 个地域 单元为样本的实证分析发现, 我国的区域交通优势度呈“偏正态”分布特征, 极少数的地域 (比例为1.4%) 具有非常突出的交通优势, 社会经济发展具有非常优越的交通环境; 大约1/8 的地域(12.4%) 交通条件处于非常明显的劣势, 交通环境是其社会经济发展的不利条件; 大约70%地域处于评价样本的中游或中游偏上水平。从区域上看, 交通优势大致由沿海逐渐向内陆依次递减; 长江三角洲、京津冀、珠江三角洲三大城镇密集区有着明显的交通优势, 覆盖范围广; 成渝地区和武汉都市圈也有较好的交通优势, 但尚未连续成面或覆盖范围较小, 其他城镇密集区和省会城市周边地区有相对较高的交通优势, 但覆盖地域较小。从经济发展措施看, 利用交通优势和规避交通劣势, 应是进行经济活动和产业选择需要考虑的重要因素。
金凤君, 王成金, 李秀伟 . 中国区域交通优势的甄别方法及应用分析[J]. 地理学报, 2008 , 63(8) : 787 -798 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200808001
Transport infrastructure has the inherent functions to shape the regional spatial structure and determine the accessibility of all the regions,which consequently formed into the spatial configuration with different transport superiorities. Based on the review of domestic and overseas research progress, this paper presented the concept of transportation superiority from three aspects- "quality", "quantity" and "field" to reflect the scale, technical level and relative advantage of transport infrastructure. Then the paper set up the expression structure for transport superiority degree, including transport network density, influence degree of transport trunk line and transport superiority degree of location. Moreover, this paper constituted the spatial m athem atical model to evaluate transport superiority degree at the county level by utilizing GIS technology. Based on the theoretical analysis and the spatial mathem atical evaluation model, this paper studied 2,365 counties in China to analyze the spatial patterns of transport superiority degree. This study reveals that, firstly, the distribution characteristic of transport superiority degree obeys the "partial normal distribution".Few regions,which m erely account for 1.4% of the total number of counties, have prominent transport superiority degree and the traffic environment in these regions is superior for social and economic development. By contrast, one eighth of all the regions have inferior transport superiority degree and the traffic environment there is poor and im pedes local social and econom ic developm ent.The rem aining regions, which are about 70% of the country's total area, have the middle level or barely better than the middle level in transport superiority degree. Secondly, the spatial characteristic show s that the transport superiority degree decreases gradually from coast areas to inland areas. The regions of the highest transport superiority degree centralize in the Y angtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area, and Pearl River Delta. The regions of the second highest transport superiority degree concentrate in Chengdu, Chongqing, and Wuhan metropolises. How ever, the spatial distribution of the second highest regions is discontinuous and the coverage of these regions is relatively sm aller than the regions w ith the highest transport superiority degree. The provincial capitals and some high-density cities/counties/towns enjoy the third highest transport superiority and follow the same spatial patterns as the regions of the second highest transport superiority. Through the above analysis, we could recognize the spatial m echanism of transport infrastructure and better understand how to leverage the advantages or circuit/change the disadvantages of transport infrastructure in regional development. Also this research may provide scientific guidance to all kinds of planning activities.
Key words: transport; transport superiority degree; discrimination method; counties; China
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