

  • 1. 云南大学亚洲国际河流中心,昆明650091;
    2. 中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所,成都610041
胡金明(1973-),男,安徽枞阳人,博士,教授,主要从事流域水文地理、湿地水文生态等研究。 E-mail: jhuynu@163.com

收稿日期: 2008-10-20

  修回日期: 2008-11-18

  网络出版日期: 2009-01-25



Evolution of Wetland System Pattern of Huaihe River Basin during Sui, Tang and Northern Song Dynasties

  • 1. Asian International Rivers Centre,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091,China;
    2. Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,CAS,Chengdu 610041,China

Received date: 2008-10-20

  Revised date: 2008-11-18

  Online published: 2009-01-25

Supported by

National Basic Research Program of China, No. 2006CB403301


基于“国家地理基础信息数据库” 和《中国历史地图集—隋唐、北宋》为主信息源, 生成隋唐(公元581-907 年) 和北宋(公元960-1127 年) 时期淮河流域湿地系统宏观格局分布图, 结合淮河流域的相关历史地理文献, 分析了隋唐和北宋时期淮河流域湿地系统的宏观格局变化, 探讨了该历史时期淮水流域湿地系统的主要湿地类型的变化趋势、驱动与效应。研究表明: 隋唐和北宋时, 淮水流域湿地系统的宏观格局变化不大, 隋唐时处在稳定阶段, 北宋时处在较稳定阶段。河流和湖沼等自然湿地宏观分布格局变化小, 是当时流域湿地系统保 持宏观格局稳定的基本原因。流域湿地系统变化主要来自于以运渠、库塘和灌溉沟渠等为主 的人工湿地的发展和演变, 隋唐王朝的宏观政策促进了当时流域各类人工湿地的发展; 唐末—北宋熙宁元年, 流域各类人工湿地因战争等政治原因大量荒废; 北宋中期后因系列新政实施, 流域人工湿地又得以再次发展。隋唐—北宋时淮河流域人工湿地的变化与历代王朝的政治、经济和文化的发展存在一定程度上的关联影响。

关键词: 隋唐; 北宋; 淮河流域; 湿地


胡金明,邓伟,唐继华,柳江 . 隋唐与北宋淮河流域湿地系统格局变迁[J]. 地理学报, 2009 , 64(1) : 43 -52 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200901005


This study is to reveal the wetland system pattern of Huaihe River basin during the Sui-Tang (A.D.581-907) dynasties and Northern Song (A.D.960-1127) Dynasty, which were two millenarianism periods in Chinese feudal history. The data reflecting the wetland system pattern of Huaihe River basin during these two periods were mainly digitalized from "The Historical Atlas of China" and the data reflecting present wetland system pattern of Huaihe River basin were from "Basic Geographic Information Database of China". Based on ArcView GIS software, this study generated the sketch maps of wetland system pattern for the two historical periods and then discussed the pattern changes.From Sui-Tang to Northern Song, there were no significant changes for macro pattern of wetland system of Huaihe River basin. Wetland system was stable during Sui-Tang periods and relatively stable during Northern Song Dynasty. Natural wetlands in the basin, such as rivers and lake-marshes, maintained their relative stableness, which determined the stability of macro pattern of wetland system in the basin throughout the period. Stable wetland system pattern of Huaihe River basin provided good natural environmental background for the development of agricultural economy and social culture during that period. The major changes of wetland system of Huaihe River basin during these periods came from artificial wetlands.


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