江苏宜兴骆驼墩遗址地层7500~5400BC 的 海侵事件记录
收稿日期: 2008-07-23
修回日期: 2008-09-01
网络出版日期: 2008-11-25
国家科技支撑计划项目课题(2006BAK21B02); 国家自然科学基金重大项目(90411015); 高校博士点基金 (20050284011); 南京大学现代分析中心测试基金(0209001309)
Transgression Records between 7500-5400BC on the Stratum of the Luotuodun Site in Yixing, Jiangsu Province
Received date: 2008-07-23
Revised date: 2008-09-01
Online published: 2008-11-25
Supported by
National Science and Technology Project, No.2006BAK21B02; Major project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 90411015; Foundation of Doctoral Program, No.20050284011; Test Foundation of Modern Analyses Center of Nanjing University, No.0209001309
在考古发掘基础上, 野外共采集样品217 个, 对遗址地层剖面中63 个样品进行了有孔虫、植物碎屑及种子化石等的鉴定分析, 对4 个地层相关样品进行了14C 测年及相关分析。 在第10 层的泥炭层中发现底栖有孔虫2 种1 属, 即压扁卷转虫(Ammonia compressiuscula) 和近亲卷转虫相似种(Ammonia cff.sobrina), 表明全新世以来骆驼墩遗址及其附近区域在马家浜 文化出现之前的7500~5400BC 之间曾经历过海侵事件; 共发现植物化石9 种450 颗, 鉴定结果共统计出4 (科)属, 即Polygonum sp. (蓼属未定种)、Scirpus sp. (藨草属未定种)、Najas sp. (茨藻属未定种)、Physalis sp. (酸浆属未定种), 多属湖泊、沼泽等水生环境。
李兰,朱诚,林留根,赵泉鸿,史恭乐,朱寒冰 . 江苏宜兴骆驼墩遗址地层7500~5400BC 的 海侵事件记录[J]. 地理学报, 2008 , 63(11) : 1189 -1197 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200811008
Based on archaeological excavations, 217 samples were collected, of which 63 were used for identification analysis of foraminifera, plant debris and seed fossils. The authors used four samples for 14C dating and correlation analysis. Through experiments, some conclusions can be drawn as follows. First, Bentic foraminifera was found in the 10th layer, such as Ammonia compressiuscula and Ammonia cff. sobrina, which shows that between 7500-5400 BC, before the appearance of the Majiabang culture, Luotuodun Site and its neighbouring regions had experienced transgression events. Second, we found 450 plant fossils at this site, such as Polygonum sp., Scirpus sp., Najas sp., Physalis sp., which lived in lakes, swamps and other aquatic environments.
Key words: Luotuodun Site; foraminifera; transgression event; plant fossils
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