收稿日期: 2008-04-12
修回日期: 2008-09-02
网络出版日期: 2009-02-25
Coupling Industrial Location with Urban System Distribution:A Case Study of China's Luoyang Municipality
Received date: 2008-04-12
Revised date: 2008-09-02
Online published: 2009-02-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40571046
工业企业区位和城镇体系布局的空间耦合关系是地理学综合性基础理论研究的重要命题。协调工业区位选择与城镇体系布局, 促使工业化和城镇化在空间关系上形成良性互动, 现实意义重大。在初步探讨了工业企业区位与城镇体系布局空间耦合的价值和一般过程的基 础上, 以洛阳市为例, 讨论了不同时期内洛阳市工业布局指向对城镇体系空间结构演化的影响。以部门和典型企业走访、企业问卷调查等多种方式, 重点调查大型工业企业近期研发和管理、核心生产、配套企业等生产链不同环节的布局区位指向, 分析其对城镇体系空间结构演化可能产生的影响。结果表明, 基于企业近期经济利益最大化目标取向的工业企业区位选择同城镇体系空间组织模式的耦合关系不尽合理, 这不仅对城镇体系的完善、也对工业企业的长远发展是不利的。基于此, 提出符合城镇服务功能最大化的城镇体系布局意向及其对工业发展区位的期望, 分析了在符合企业意愿和政府作为的基本前提下, 引导大企业的配套企业向距离中心城市30 km 县城集聚的可行性。并进一步从中心城市与县城的快速通道建设、政府补贴弥补土地价格差价、提高县城的公共服务支撑能力等方面提出了促进工业化与城镇 化良性互动所需要采取的措施, 为城镇体系规划提供科学依据。
樊杰, 王宏远, 陶岸君, 徐建红 . 工业企业区位与城镇体系布局的空间耦合分析———洛阳市大型工业企业区位选择因素的案例剖析[J]. 地理学报, 2009 , 64(2) : 131 -141 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200902001
The coupling of industrial location and urban system distribution is beneficial both to industrial growth and urban development. This paper is a case study discussing the importance and process of coupling industrial location with urban system distribution. Our study indicates that location choices of industrial enterprises have been influencing the evolvement of Luoyang's urban system since 1953 and location orientations of large industrial firms would be the key determinants of urban distribution in the future. We therefore investigate location orientations of different divisions of large industrial firms, mainly by interviews with their executives and questionnaire survey. The result of investigation shows that the intending location choices of industrial firms are mostly short-term benefits oriented and would not couple with the anticipant pattern of urban distribution, which might sabotage the long-term development of both industrial firms and urban system. Therefore, we propose that suppliers of large industrial firms should be located in county towns about 30 km away from Luoyang City, which are the anticipant locations of urban development. In that case, industrial location would be coupled with the ideal pattern of urban distribution, which would maximize the service function of urban system and facilitate long-term urban and industrial development. Our study also shows that it is possible to change the location orientations of supplier of large industrial firms to county towns 30 km away from Luoyang City, if necessary measures were taken by local government, such as building expressways connecting Luoyang City and county towns, reducing the land price of county towns by government subsidies and reinforcing county towns' strengths on service ability and infrastructure conditions.
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