收稿日期: 2008-09-05
修回日期: 2009-01-08
网络出版日期: 2009-04-25
Policy Instrument of Urban Growth Management and Its Effectiveness in Nanjing
Received date: 2008-09-05
Revised date: 2009-01-08
Online published: 2009-04-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40571055
南京是长江三角洲地区核心城市之一, 近20 年来城市用地在现行管理框架下快速扩 张。基于两个样区近20 年城市扩展过程的用地数据, 以城市规划的有效性代表用地布局的合 理性, 以地块闲置概率指征开发质量, 定量评估城市增长管理效能。① 选取南京城市沿交通 轴扩展的两个样带, 利用四期遥感影像跟踪分析近20 年来城市用地增长的过程与管理机制; ② 采用增长调控效力指数、累积调控效率指数、土地闲置率等指标, 定量分析城市规划及用 地管理机制的有效性, 指出规划对用地增长的5 年累积调控效率达到70%左右;③ 基于样区 478 个土地利用斑块的离散数据进行逻辑斯蒂回归分析, 表明城市规划对降低开发的盲目性、 降低用地闲置率具有非常显著的作用(p < 0.001), 用地制度与政策等管理因素也显著影响用 地闲置率, 用地审批权和规划管理权下放对用地闲置具有正效应。加强区域统筹, 适当扩大 城市规划的覆盖范围, 加强行业管理, 适当上收用地审批权限和规划实施管理权限, 将有利 于用地集约化, 提高土地利用效率。本研究结论对中国城市土地管理、集约节约利用城市土 地具有积极意义。
陈爽, 姚士谋, 吴剑平 . 南京城市用地增长管理机制与效能[J]. 地理学报, 2009 , 64(4) : 487 -497 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200904011
Nanjing is a major city in the Yangtze River Delta of China. Since the 1990s the city space has been expanding rapidly in relation with the fast economic development and urbanization. The policies of land saving and intensive land use has been emphasized by the government to protect the arable land from converting into urban land. After analyzing composition of present policy instrument in Chinese cities, this paper noted that urban planning and land use regulation were the regular basis. The effectiveness of urban planning control and administrative efficiency of growth management efforts were discussed. Firstly, the paper substantively studied the process of urban expansion along two transportation lines based on the remote sensing data of Nanjing obtained in 1986, 1996, 2002 and 2005, and assessed the effectiveness of urban growth management with the efficient index on newly converted urban land (Eg), the cumulatively efficient index (E) and the ratio of idle land area. The E of Nanjing master urban plans was about 70% in the first five years. The Eg was relatively low, being 0.29-0.7. Secondly, the logistic regression analysis with the data of 478 land parcels from the sampling sites revealed that the urban plan significantly decreased occurrence frequency of the idle land parcel (p < 0.001), and the administrative factors were significantly related with the frequency of idle land parcel. Concentration and reserve of rights in land use administration and urban plan management have negative effect on idle land frequency. Finally, some urban planning and land use policies such as enlargement of the urban planning area, rights reserve in urban plan administration and land use transformation approval have been suggested to improve the land use efficiency. The results and suggestions should benefit urban land management in land saving and intensive use of urban land, and the methodology of quantitative assessment on effectiveness of urban growth management should give examples for the similar studies in China.
Key words: urban land use; growth management; effectiveness; remote sensing; Logit; Nanjin
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