收稿日期: 2008-03-25
修回日期: 2008-11-25
网络出版日期: 2009-04-25
国家自然科学基金项目(40471055); 国家发改委国土整治事业费公开征集研究项目(200819)
Evaluation System and Control Mechanism of Urban Sprawl: A Case Study of Hangzhou
Received date: 2008-03-25
Revised date: 2008-11-25
Online published: 2009-04-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40471055; Special Fund from the Land Remediation Expenditure of National Development and Reform Commission, No.200819
在快速城市化中, 中国的城市蔓延现象日益突出。在分析城市蔓延的概念和基本特征 的基础上, 探究了中国城市蔓延与西方城市蔓延的区别, 并发现城市蔓延与经济社会的发展 息息相关。因此, 先从传统的空间形态角度, 在借鉴和综合多种西方城市蔓延评估方法的基 础上, 利用层次分析法来初步构建城市蔓延的评估体系, 再从经济社会的角度, 运用主成分 分析和模糊数学法求出经济发展和社会生活之间的协调度, 利用有关协调度的函数来对评估 体系的进行修正。然后, 具体以杭州市为例进行了实际测算, 结果表明杭州的城市蔓延处于 较严重的等级, 这与从空间形态图上的判断基本一致。最后, 在分析杭州城市蔓延产生原因 和结合我国实际的基础上, 对城市蔓延问题的治理机制进行了初步探讨, 从经济增长模式、 投资模式、征地补偿、城市交通和规划制定与实施等多个方面提出了相应的政策建议。
刘卫东, 谭韧骠 . 杭州城市蔓延评估体系及其治理对策[J]. 地理学报, 2009 , 64(4) : 417 -425 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200904004
In the rapid urbanization of China, the phenomenon of urban sprawl is becoming more and more obvious. Firstly, this paper introduces the basic concept and characteristics of Western urban sprawl. Then it explains the difference of urban sprawl between Occident and China, which is closely linked with economic and social development. So it establishes an urban sprawl evaluation system with AHP on the basis of western experiences and approaches from the traditional perspective of spatial pattern. Then the coordinating degree between economy and society is used to amend the evaluation system. In order to get the value of the coordinating degree, a synthesized index system of economy and society which contains 10 indexes is built. In addition, the method of principal component analysis and fuzzy math is applied in the assessment process. In order to demonstrate the whole evaluation system, the data of Hangzhou city are used to conduct an actual assessment and analysis. The result indicates that the degree of urban sprawl is relatively great, which is accordant with the judgement from the spatial form of Hangzhou. Based on the result, we discuss the control mechanism of urban sprawl and some proposals are put forward from many aspects.
Key words: urban sprawl; evaluation system; control method; Hangzhou cit
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