

  • 1. 南京师范大学地理科学学院,南京210097;
    2. 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,南京210093
谢志仁. 教授,博士生导师。E-mail:xiezhiren@njnu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2009-10-25

  网络出版日期: 2009-11-25


谢志仁,陈钦峦,朱诚 . 追忆我国著名地理学家杨怀仁教授[J]. 地理学报, 2009 , 64(11) : 1402 -1407 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200911011


[1] Yang Huairen. The Longitudinal and Transverse Profiles of the Maotiao River and their bearing on the morphological development of central kwelchow. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1944, 11: 1-14
[杨怀仁. 贵州中部之地形发育. 地理学报,1944, 11, 1-14.]

[2] Yang Huairen. Primary observations of the geography in Minjiang gorge. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1945, 12/13: 11-29.
[杨怀仁. 岷江峡谷地理之初步考察. 地理学报, 1945, 12/13: 11-29.]

[3] Teaching group of Geomorphology in geography department, Nanjing University. Geomorphology. Beijing: People's Education Press, 1961.
[南京大学地理系地貌教研组编著. 地貌学. 北京:人民教育出版社, 1961.]

[4] Teaching group of Geomorphology in geography department, Nanjing University. Quaternary Geology. Beijing: People's Education Press, 1962: 404.
[南京大学地理系地貌教研组编著. 第四纪地质学. 北京:人民教育出版社, 1962: 404.]

[5] Yang Huairen. Quaternary Geology. Higher Education Press, 1987: 428.
[杨怀仁主编. 第四纪地质. 北京:高等教育出版社, 1987: 428.]

[6] Yang Huairen, Yu Xujun, Han Tongchun. Evolution of loess landforms and geomorphic regionalization in the southwest Shanxi. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1957, 23(1): 17-25.
[杨怀仁, 俞序君, 韩同春. 山西西南部黄土地形发育和地形区划. 地理学报, 1957, 23(1): 17-25.]

[7] Yang Huairen. Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology in Jingjiang area. Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences), 1959, (2): 79-92.
[杨怀仁. 荆江地貌与第四纪地质. 南京大学学报(自然科学版), 1959, (2): 79-92.]

[8] Yang Huairen, Huang Peihua, Chen Qinluan, et al. Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology in the Middle and lower Reaches of Yangtze River. In: Proceedings of symposium of Geographical Society of China. Beijing: Science Press, 1960: 6-43.
[杨怀仁, 黄培华, 陈钦峦等. 长江中下游(宜昌至南京) 地貌与第四纪地质. 见: 中国地理学术会议论文集, 北京:科学出版社, 1960: 6-43.]

[9] Yang Huairen. Basic problems on Morphotectoics and Geomorphology in China. In: Proceedings of Geomorphology symposium of Geographical Society of China in 1977. Beijing: Science Press, 1981: 334-339.
[杨怀仁. 中国造貌运动与地貌学基本理论问题. 中国地理学会地貌专业委员会编, 中国地理学会1977 年地貌学术讨论会文集, 北京:科学出版社, 1981: 334-339.]

[10] Yang Huairen, Yang Dayuan. Basic problems in Morphotectoics and Climatic Geomorphology. Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences), 1982, (2): 503-514.
[杨怀仁, 杨达源. 近代构造地貌与气候地貌的基本问题. 南京大学学报(自然科学版), 1982, (2): 503-514.]

[11] Yang Huairen, Yang Dayuan, Huang Jiazhu. Characteristics of the active tectonics and morphogenetic movements in china. Journal of Nanjing University (Geography), 1983, (2): 1-9.
[杨怀仁, 杨达源, 黄家柱. 中国活动构造与造貌运动的特征. 南京大学学报(地理学), 983, (2): 1-9.]

[12] Yang Huairen, Yang Dayuan, Huang Jiazhu. Analysis of Fault structures and Geomorphology in East of China. In: Proceedings of the first Tectonic Geomorphology symposium of Geographical Society of China. Beijing: Science Press, 1984: 32-39.
[杨怀仁, 杨达源, 黄家柱. 中国东部断裂构造地貌分析. 中国地理学会第一次构造地貌学术讨论会论文选集, 北京:科学出版社, 1984: 32-39.]

[13] Yang Huairen, Yang Senyuan. Discovery and Research about the Quaternary Periglacial deposits in lower-reaches of the Yangtze River. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1957, (8): 245-246.
[杨怀仁, 杨森源. 长江下游第四纪冰缘沉积的发现和研究. 科学通报, 1957, (8): 245-246.]

[14] Yang Huairen, Yang Senyuan. The phenomena of the Quaternary Periglacial in lower-reaches of the Yangtze River. Chinese Quaternary Research, 1958, 1(2): 141-154.
[杨怀仁, 杨森源. 长江下游第四纪的冰缘现象. 中国第四纪研究, 1958, 1(2): 141-154.]

[15] Yang Huairen, Qiu Shuzhang. Glacier Variations and its sensitivity to climatic changes during the Last Glacial Cycle in the east of Tianshan Mountains. In: Abstracts of Geomorphology symposium of Geographical Society of China. Beijing: Science Press, 1962: 128-129.
[杨怀仁, 邱淑彰. 东天山最近一次冰期以来的冰川进退及其在气候波动上的意义. 中国地理学会地貌学术讨论会论文摘要, 北京:科学出版社, 1962: 128-129.]

[16] Yang Huairen. The Quaternary and Modern Periglacial Geomorphology of the Tianshan Mountains. In: Proceedings of the second symposium of Quaternary research committee of China. 1964: 103-104.
[杨怀仁. 天山近代与第四纪冰缘地貌. 中国第四纪研究委员会第二届会议论文汇编, 1964: 103-104.]

[17] Yang Huairen, Qiu Shuzhang. Quaternary Glaciation and the postglacial climatic fluctuations in the region of Upper Urumchi valley, Sinkiang. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1965, 31(3): 194-211.
[杨怀仁, 邱淑彰. 乌鲁木齐河上游第四纪冰川与冰后期气候波动. 地理学报, 1965, 31(3): 194-211.]

[18] Yang Huairen. Theoretical foundation on the Chronology of Quaternary Glaciations and the research about Quaternary Ice in china. In: Quaternary Glaciations and Ice Ages in China. Beijing: Science Press, 1974: 144-153.
[杨怀仁. 冰期划分的理论基础与中国第四纪冰川研究方向. 见: 中国第四纪冰川与冰期问题.北京:科学出版社, 1974: 144-153.]

[19] Yang Huairen, Xu Xin. The causal mechanism of quaternary environmental changes in china. Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences), 1980, (1): 121-144.
[杨怀仁, 徐馨. 中国东部第四纪自然环境的演变. 南京大学学报(自然科学版), 1980, (1): 121-144.]

[20] Yang Huairen, Han Tongchun, Yang Dayuan. Sea-level fluctuations and climatic variations in Quaternary. Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences), 1983, (2): 9-19.
[杨怀仁, 韩同春, 杨达源.第四纪气候变化与海面升降. 南京大学学报(自然科学版), 1983, (2): 9-19.]

[21] Yang Huairen, Xie Zhiren. Sea-level changes along the east coast of china over the last 20,000 years. Oceanologia ET Limnologia Sinica, 1984, 15(1): 1-13.
[杨怀仁, 谢志仁. 中国东部近20000 年来的气候波动与海面升降运动. 海洋与湖沼, 1984, 15(1): 1-13.]

[22] Yang Huairen, Xie Zhiren. The changes of sea-level since Holocene. Foreign Quaternary Geology, 1984, (2): 1-6.
[杨怀仁, 谢志仁. 论全新世海面变化. 国外第四纪地质, 1984, (2): 1-6.]

[23] Yang Huairen, Zhao Yingshi, Xie Zhiren. Sea-level fluctuations and climate changes along the East Coast of China from the Late Pleistocene. In: Yang Huairen (ed.) Selection of Quaternary Ice and Quaternary Geology. Beijing: Geology Press, 1985:19-30.
[杨怀仁, 赵英时, 谢志仁. 中国东部晚更新世以来的海面升降运动与气候变化. 杨怀仁主编,第四纪冰川与第四纪地质论文集(二). 北京:地质出版社, 1985:19-30.]

[24] Yang Huairen, Yang Dayuan. Research on the climate changes of the Earth and Sea-level fluctuations during the Cenozoic era. In: Yang Huairen (ed.) Selection of Quaternary Ice and Quaternary Geology. Beijing: Geology Press, 1985: 31-43.
[杨怀仁, 杨达源. 新生代地球气候变化及海面升降的研究. 杨怀仁主编, 第四纪冰川与第四纪地质论文集(二). 北京:地质出版社, 1985: 31-43.]

[25] Yang Huairen, Chen Xiqing. Quaternary transgressions, Eustatic changes and Shifting of shoreline in east china. Marine geology & Quaternary geology, 1985, 5(4): 69-80.
[杨怀仁, 陈西庆. 中国东部第四纪海面升降、海侵海退与岸线变迁. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 1985, 1985, 5(4): 69-80.]

[26] Yang Huairen, Wang Jian. Quaternary transgressions and coastline changes in Huanghe River Delta. Marine geology & Quaternary geology, 1990, 10(3): 1-14.
[杨怀仁, 王建. 黄河三角洲地区第四纪海进与岸线变化. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 1990, 10(3): 1-14.]

[27] Yang Huairen.The reason of sea-level fluctuations. Journal of Nanjing University (Geography), 1984, (3): 1-12.
[杨怀仁. 海面变化原因:我国高海面与深海氧同位素曲线. 南京大学学报(地理学), 1984, (3): 1-12.]

[28] Yang Huairen, Xie Zhiren. The relation of Holocene sea-level changes with formation and evolvement of Taihu Lake. In: Yang Huairen (ed.) Selection of Quaternary Ice and Quaternary Geology. Beijing: Geology Press, 1985: 49-64.
[杨怀仁, 谢志仁. 全新世海面变化与太湖的形成和演变. 杨怀仁主编, 第四纪冰川与第四纪地质论文集(二). 北京:地质出版社, 1985: 49-64.]

[29] Yang Huairen, Xie Zhiren, Yang Dayuan. Sea-level fluctuations and its influence to the coast. In: The coast estuary branch of the chinese oceanology and limnology society (ed.) Research on coast and Estuary. Marine Press, 1990:16-23.
[杨怀仁, 谢志仁, 杨达源. 海面升降运动对海岸的错综影响. 见: 中国海洋湖沼学会海岸河口学会编. 海岸河口研究. 北京:海洋出版社, 1990: 16-23.]

[30] Yang Huairen. Abrupt temperature change and climate changes in the future in the Late Pleistocene. In: Liang Mingsheng, Zhang Jilin. (ed.) Correlation of the continental and marine research in Quaternary. Beijing: Science Press,1991: 16-23.
[杨怀仁. 晚更新世以来的气候突变及未来气候变化. 见: 梁名胜, 张吉林主编. 中国海陆第四纪对比研究. 北京:科学出版社, 1991: 16-23.]

[31] Yang Huairen. Do Sea-level fluctuations will bring to disaster? Wen Hui Bao, 1982, 5, 21.
[杨怀仁. 海面变化将带来灾难吗?文汇报, 1982 年5 月21 日.]

[32] Yang Huairen, Xie Zhiren. A Perspective on Sea-Level Fluctuations and Climatic Variations. Acta Geographica Sinica,1984, 39(1): 20-32.
[杨怀仁, 谢志仁. 气候变化与海面升降的过程和趋势. 地理学报, 1984, 39(1): 20-32.]

[33] Yang Huairen, Chen Xiqing. Environment changes are serious challenge for humanity. China Environment News,1986, 8,12.
[杨怀仁, 陈西庆. 环境变化对人类的严峻挑战. 中国环境报, 1986 年8 月12 日.]

[34] Yang Huairen, Chen Xiqing. Greenhouse effects and the impact of sea-level rise and climatic changes on the next Century. Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences), 1988, 24(1): 66-74.
[杨怀仁, 陈西庆. 面临2000 年后全球气温和海面升高的挑战-第四纪气候研究的一项紧要任务. 南京大学学报(自然科学版), 1988, 24(1): 66-74.]

[35] Yang Huairen, Xu Xin, Yang Dayuan, et al. Environmental changes and E-ecosystem in the Yangtze River’s Middle and lower Reaches. Nanjing: Hehai University Press, 1955: 193.
[杨怀仁, 徐馨, 杨达源等. 长江中下游环境变迁与地生态系统. 南京: 河海大学出版社, 1995: 193.]

