收稿日期: 2009-04-23
修回日期: 2010-02-25
网络出版日期: 2010-06-25
国家自然科学基金重点项目(40635026); 国家自然科学基金项目(40971077); 北京大学-林肯研究院城市发
Determinants of Residential Land Price: Structure Equation Model Analysis Using Land-leasing Parcel Data in Beijing
Received date: 2009-04-23
Revised date: 2010-02-25
Online published: 2010-06-25
Supported by
Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40971077; National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40571048; Peking University-Lincoln Institute of Urban Development and Land Policy Research Center Dissertation Fellowship
从20世纪80年代以来,中国的城市土地使用制度经历了深刻变革,土地无偿划拨使用逐渐向基于市场竞租的土地出让制度转型。近年来,学者开始关注在市场化背景下的中国城市土地出让价格的决定因素,特别是基于特征价格模型(Hedonic Model)验证城市空间结构、地方公共产品提供等要素的影响,但由于缺乏系统性的土地出让及其相关空间数据信息,该领域的研究尚处在起步阶段。本文关注市场化改革背景下的中国城市居住用地价格的影响因素,选取了北京市2004-2008年土地交易的微观数据,基于结构方程模型构建了地价估计模型,定量分析了生活、交通、环境设施便利性和工作便利性这4类外生潜变量对居住用地出让价格的影响程度,从而测度出房地产开发商对它们的偏好差异度。研究结论显示:生活、交通、环境设施便利性和工作便利性这4类外生潜变量对于居住用地价格有显著的影响力,且对于居住用地价格的影响程度大小存在差异性。工作便利性、交通设施便利性、生活设施便利性、环境设施便利性对居住用地价格的影响程度依次减弱。
武文杰, 刘志林, 张文忠 . 基于结构方程模型的北京居住用地价格影响因素评价[J]. 地理学报, 2010 , 65(6) : 676 -684 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201006005
Since the 1980s Chinese cities have experienced dramatic transformation of its land use system from free allocation toward a leasehold system. Recent literatures have paid attention to spatial features and determinants of land price in transitional Chinese cities, in comparison to its counterparts in advanced market economies. Recently, many scholars have adopted the hedonic model to examine influences of urban spatial structure and local public goods on residential land leasing price. Nonetheless, research on this issue has been limited by the lack of systematic data - especially spatial data - on land leasing parcels as well as other related data sources, and by the limitation of the hedonic model in establishing the complex causal relationship between land price and its determinants. In this paper, we establish a PLS-based structural equation model to quantitatively measure the influences of accessibility to job centers and key local public services on the leasing prices of residential land parcels in transitional urban Beijing. We use Beijing as our case city, and we are particularly interested in four latent variables, i.e. distance to job centers of Beijing, public transportation connectivity, accessibility to public services, and accessibility to amenities, on residential land price during 2004-2008, the period when the land leasing market has largely been established. Based on the analysis, we found that residential land price has obvious relevance with its location to the four latent variables and influential powers of these four latent variables on the residential land price are varied. We believe our research would enrich the existing knowledge of the emerging urban land market in transitional China, and provide information for further land and housing policy making.
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