

  • 1. 南京大学城市与区域规划系,南京210093;
    2. 云南大学城市建设与管理学院,昆明650091
宋伟轩(1981-), 男, 博士研究生, 主要研究方向为城市社会空间。E-mail: songweixuan@126.com

收稿日期: 2009-04-07

  修回日期: 2010-03-11

  网络出版日期: 2010-06-25



Residential Differentiation of Nanjing in the New Period

  • 1. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;
    2. School of Urban Construction and Management, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China

Received date: 2009-04-07

  Revised date: 2010-03-11

  Online published: 2010-06-25

Supported by

Ecurbs Project funded by European Commission under 7th Framework Programme, No.ECUBS-230824


中国快速城市化背景下,利用中国人口普查数据进行城市社会空间结构分析具有明显的“时滞性”缺陷。城市更新与城市扩张过程中,中国城市中大量出现的封闭社区等新生城市空间形式改变着以往的城市社会空间结构,表现出一些新的城市社会空间特征。房地产市场数据能够直接反映住宅供给环境的改变,并可以间接预测出城市居住分异结构及趋势。通过宏观层面对南京1998-2008 年期间新建的1075 个城市居住社区属性特征的调查研究,结合微观层面对案例社区居民访谈与调查问卷的统计分析,探讨南京居住空间分异过程、特征与演化机制。从南京居住分异的社会空间特征来看,新时期(1998 年至今)城市更新背景下的居住分异过程使得城市社会空间出现新圈层结构;封闭社区的大量崛起导致城市社会空间碎片化与公共空间私有化;现代社区组织模式和生活方式转变加剧了社区邻里关系淡漠。通过对南京居住空间分异的研究,揭示出新时期中国城市居住空间分异动力模型的一般范式。


宋伟轩, 吴启焰, 朱喜钢 . 新时期南京居住空间分异研究[J]. 地理学报, 2010 , 65(6) : 685 -694 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201006006


Under the background of the rapid urbanization, an obvious limitation of "time lag" is used to analyze urban social spatial structure with the data of national census. The new urban spatial forms emerging in Chinese cities, such as gated community, are changing the former social spatial structure and presenting new urban social spatial characters during the course of urban renewal and sprawl. The data of real estate market can directly reflect the change of housing supply and indirectly forecast the structure and tendency of urban residential differentiation. The essay tries to discuss the course, characters and evolving mechanism of residential differentiation in Nanjing by means of combining investigation on attributes of the 1075 residential communities built during 1998-2008 at macro level with interviews with the residents and analyses of questionnaires in six different and typical communities at micro level. As far as the social spatial characters of residential differentiation in Nanjing concerned, new circle layers have appeared in the urban social space due to the course of residential differentiation under the background of urban renewal in the new period (from 1998 till now); that gated communities grow up greatly has led to the social spatial fragmentation and the privatization of public space; while, the changes of institutional pattern of modern communities and life style have exaggerated the indifference of neighborhood relationship. It examines the common pattern of the driver model of urban residential differentiation in China in the new period, through studying residential differentiation in Nanjing.


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