

  • 1. 上海市卫星遥感与测量应用中心, 上海 201100;
    2. 上海市气候中心, 上海 200030;
    3. 东北林业大学林学院,哈尔滨 150040
崔林丽 (1975-), 女, 博士, 副研究员,主要从事卫星气象遥感研究。E-mail: cllcontact@yahoo.com.cn

收稿日期: 2009-01-04

  网络出版日期: 2009-07-25


上海市气象局研究型业务专项 (YJ200803; YJ200805);国家“十一五”科技支撑计划重点项目(2007BAC29B05); 国家863计划项目 (2006AA12Z104) 共同资助

Ten-day Response of vegetation NDVI to the Variations of Temperature and Precipitation in Eastern China

  • 1. Shanghai Center for Satellite Remote Sensing and Application, Shanghai 201100, China;
    2. Shanghai Climate Center, Shanghai 200030, China
    3. College of forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China

Received date: 2009-01-04

  Online published: 2009-07-25

Supported by

Special Project of Research-style Operation in Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, No.YJ200803; No.YJ200805; National Key Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs, No.2007BAC29B05; National 863 Program, No.2006AA12Z104


利用中国东部SPOT VGT-NDVI数据和气象站点的日平均气温和降水资料,分析了1998-2007年中国东部植被NDVI在全年、春季、夏季和秋季对气温和降水变化的旬时空响应特征。结果表明,中国东部植被总体上对气温变化的响应大于降水,植被对气温变化的最大响应滞后1旬左右,对降水变化的最大响应滞后3旬左右。秋季植被NDVI对气温和降水变化响应最大,夏季NDVI对气温和降水响应的滞后期较长。在空间上,植被对气温变化的最大响应总体表现为北部和中部大于南部,对降水变化的最大响应表现为北部大于中部和南部。植被对气温变化最大响应的滞后期呈现出北部较长—中部短—南部最长的空间分布,对降水变化最大响应的滞后期则随着纬度降低由北到南逐渐延长。


崔林丽1, 史军2, 杨引明1, 范文义3 . 中国东部植被NDVI对气温和降水的旬响应特征[J]. 地理学报, 2009 , 64(7) : 850 -860 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200907009


This paper analyzed the temporal and spatial responses of vegetation NDVI to the variations of temperature and precipitation in each ten-day period in the whole year, spring, summer and autumn covering 1998 to 2007  based on the SPOT VGT-NDVI data and daily temperature and precipitation data from 205 meteorological stations in eastern China. The results indicate that on the whole, the response of vegetation NDVI to the variation of temperature is greater than to that of precipitation in eastern China. Vegetation NDVI maximally responds to the variation of temperature with a lag of about 10 days, and it maximally responds to the variation of precipitation with a lag of about 30 days. The response of vegetation NDVI to temperature and precipitation is the greatest in autumn, and the lag time is longer in summer. Spatially, the maximum response of vegetation NDVI to the variation of temperature is greater in the northern and central parts than in the southern part of eastern China. The maximum response of vegetation NDVI to the variation of precipitation is greater in the northern part than in the central and southern parts of eastern China. There is more lag time of vegetation NDVI to the variation of temperature in the northern and southern parts, while less in the central part. The lag time of vegetation NDVI to the variation of precipitation gradually increases from the northern to the southern part according to the latitude. The response of vegetation NDVI to the variations of temperature and precipitation in eastern China is mainly consistent with other results obtained in eastern and southern China.

