收稿日期: 2006-11-11
修回日期: 2007-02-07
网络出版日期: 2007-06-25
Modelling and Cases of Cities Ring Road Spacing in China
Received date: 2006-11-11
Revised date: 2007-02-07
Online published: 2007-06-25
通过对中国16 座城市环路的分析, 总结出了中国城市环路间距原理: 中国城市环路由外而内的间距之比符合黄金分割数(ω= 0.618033988?) 或其倒数(1/ω = 1.618033988?)。 根据间距比值可将中国环路分为A、B、C 三种类型: A 型标准比值为1/ω; B 型标准比值为 ω; C 型在纵(横) 向上标准比值为1/ω, 在横(纵) 向上标准比值为ω。通过实证分析, 中国城市环路间距之比基本符合这一原理。该原理适用于不同规模、不同性质和不同形态的城市环路。运用该原理可对中国城市环路进行规划建议和合理性评价。
贾文毓 . 中国城市环线道路间距模型与案例[J]. 地理学报, 2007 , 62(6) : 571 -578 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200706002
According to the analysis of ring roads in 16 cities, this paper presents a principle of ring road spacing between cities in China: The city ring roads in China accord with golden section number (ω = 0.618033988...) or golden section number reciprocal (1/ ω = 1.618033988...) from the outside to ratio of the inner spacing. According to ring road spacing ratio China's ring roads can be divided into three ring types of A, B, C: A type standard ratio is 1/ω; B type standard ratio is ω; and C type is 1/ω in the upper standard of longitudinal direction (from south to north) ratio and ω in the upper standard of transverse direction (from east to west) ratio. Case analysis indicates that China's city ring roads spacing ratio accords basically with this principle. The principle applies to the city ring roads of different scales, characteristics and different forms. Applying this principle, it is possible to carry out planning and raise suggestions for China's city ring roads as well as their rationality appraisals.
Key words: China; urban area; principle of ring road spacing; 0.618 method; Fibonacci series
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