耦合是指两个或两个以上系统的相互作用与相互影响。由于从自然界提取资源并进行加工, 最后并排放废弃物质到自然界, 区域经济子系统和环境子系统通过各自元素的相互作用彼此影响形成经济环境耦合关系。本文运用耦合协调度模型, 通过建立中国区域经济发展与环境污染耦合度评价指标体系, 对中国350 个地级单元的经济环境耦合度和协调度计算后进行空间格局分析。研究发现, 中国经济环境系统整体上处于低耦合低协调状态, 东部沿海地区的都市经济区和中部重要人口产业集聚区耦合度和协调度相对较高, 远西部和东中部偏远地区的耦合度和协调度相对较低。根据各地级单元经济发展和环境污染耦合度和协调度可以将现有国土划分为经济环境和谐区、经济环境磨合区、经济环境拮抗区及经济环境低耦合区4个类型区。通过对4 种类型区的工业结构分析后发现, 不同类型区工业结构存在很大差异。经济环境和谐区工业以电子机械、设备制造等高端装备制造产业为主;经济环境磨合区工业主要以机械装备制造和部分污染性的冶金、化工、电力产业为主;经济环境拮抗区工业则以钢铁、石化、煤炭、建材、发电等污染性行业为主, 是中国污染性行业最集中的地区, 也是未来环境质量面临最大风险的地区;经济环境低耦合区工业则以初级产品加工和生产为主。
There is coupling relationship between regional economy and environmental system. On the one hand, the economy system explored and processed resources from natural system, and discharged pollutants back to the natural system. On the other hand, natural ecological environment system provides resources and space for social economy activities, and feeds back with the natural disaster or environmental pollution. It is important to explore the relationship between economic development and environmental pollution. Given more existing researches focusing on the time scale, it is necessary to carry out the quantitative assessment research on the interaction between economic sub-system with environmental sub-system on the spatial scale. In this paper, the comprehensive assessment indicators for regional social economy system and environment system were constructed firstly. Then, the coupling degree and coordinating degree between regional economic development and environmental pollution was calculated. Based on the research on spatial patterns of coupling and coordinating degree of 350 prefectural units, it can be found that the economic and environment development in most prefectural units are still at a lower level of coupling and coordination. There are significant disparities in coupling and coordinating degree between eastern coastal areas and western inner areas. According to the coupling and coordinating value, Chinese territory could be divided into four types, i.e., economy-environment harmonious area, economy-environment gearing area, economy-environment rivaling area and low coupling degree of economy-environment area. Based on the industrial sector structure analysis of four types of area, it can be found that there is a spatial corresponding relationship between the regional industrial sector structure and the coupling-coordinating level. In the economy-environment harmonious area, high-level manufacturing industries of electrical machinery, electronic equipments account for major proportion in total industrial output value. As for economy-environment gearing area, its industrial value is concentrated on manufacture of machinery and equipment and a few polluting departments such as metallurgy, chemical industry and production of electric power. Economy-environment rivaling area is the agglomerating area of polluting industrial sectors, such as iron and steel industry, petrifaction industry, mining of coals, building material industry and production electric power. So, it is also the high environment risk area of China in future. In low coupling degree of economy-environment area, its industry is concentrated on producing and processing of primary products.
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