收稿日期: 2006-10-08
修回日期: 2006-12-26
网络出版日期: 2007-02-25
国家自然科学基金项目(40671053); 国家社会科学基金项目(06BJL058)
Employment Spatial Models and Regionalization of China
Received date: 2006-10-08
Revised date: 2006-12-26
Online published: 2007-02-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40671053; National Social Science Foundation of China, No.06BJL058
就业问题是中国乃至世界的重大社会问题, 关系到经济社会发展的各个方面。对中国就业空间分布进行区域划分有利于国家流动人口的引导、就业政策的制订以及和谐社会的建设。利用2000 年中国第五次人口普查数据, 采用主成分分析、聚类分析和统计分析方法, 对中国2343 个县(市)、市区的就业结构数据进行分析研究发现: ① 中国就业形成了连续型圈层、非连续型圈层、跳跃式圈层、混合型圈层、多核心圈层、带状等6 种就业空间模式; ② 中国就业区可划分为东部沿海、东北、京津、中部、西部等5 个就业区, 其中, 西部区可划分为陕甘宁青川渝、云贵藏和新疆等3 个就业亚区。
王振波, 朱传耿 . 中国就业的空间模式及区域划分[J]. 地理学报, 2007 , 62(2) : 191 -199 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200702008
The importance associated with employment is especially prominent all over the world especially in China. The population quantity brought huge pressure to the harmonious society of China. This paper records the findings of a survey into the fifth census data of China, and the authors chose 16 indexes in each county, city and urban district based on the GB/T4754-94 industrial classification standards. With the methods of Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, and visualization technique of ARCGIS, we conclude the employment structure features and spatial distribution of 2343 counties, cities and urban districts in China. The views expressed in this paper are as follows: First, there exist six spatial models in Chinese population employment, i.e., serial-concentric circles, discontinuous-concentric circles, jumpable-concentric circles, mixed-concentric circles, multi-cores concentric circles and belt-concentric circles. Second, we find that the population employment along eastern coastal areas of China and the Yangtse River formed a "T-shaped" pattern, and the spatial distribution of China's employment of an evident urban-rural duality with six clusters. In the Eastern cluster and Northern cluster, the population employment centered upon the secondary industry; in the Beijing-Tianjin cluster, the population employment centered upon the tertiary industry; the Middle Western cluster, the population employment centered upon the first industry; as the Eastern cluster and Northern cluster, the population employment of the Xinjiang cluster centered upon the secondary industry.
Key words: China; employment; spatial model; regionalization
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