地理学报  2017 , 72 (6): 1091-1103 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201706011



李国旗1, 金凤君2, 陈娱3, 焦敬娟4, 刘思婧1

1. 西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院 综合交通运输智能化国家地方联合工程实验室,成都 610031
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
3. 南京师范大学地理科学学院,南京 210031
4. 北京交通大学经济管理学院,北京 100044

Location characteristics and differentiation mechanism of logistics industry based on points of interest:A case study of Beijing

LI Guoqi1, JIN Fengjun2, CHEN Yu3, JIAO Jingjuan4, LIU Sijing1

1. School of Transportation & Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University, National United Engineering Laboratory of Integrated and Intelligent Transportation, Chengdu 610031, China
2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Beijing 100101, China
3. School of GeographicScience, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210031, China
4. School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China

通讯作者:  通讯作者:金凤君(1961-), 男, 内蒙古赤峰人, 博士, 研究员, 主要研究方向为区域经济学与经济地理学。E-mail: jinfj@igsnrr.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2016-08-8

修回日期:  2017-02-19

网络出版日期:  2017-06-25

版权声明:  2017 《地理学报》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41501123, 71603219)


作者简介:李国旗(1984-), 男, 江西南昌人, 讲师, 硕士生导师, 中国地理学会会员(S110010483M), 主要从事物流地理与空间分析研究。E-mail: guoqi@swjtu.edu.cn



物流节点和物流企业作为物流空间的核心载体和组织主体,其区位特征和分异机制识别对优化城市物流空间布局、合理配置物流资源有重要意义。2014年12月基于腾讯在线地图平台,采集了北京市4396个物流POI。采用产业集中度评价、核密度分析等方法,刻画了北京物流空间格局,阐明了类型差异、供需侧因素与区位选择行为的微观作用机理,揭示了交通、地租、资产对空间分异形成的内在机制。研究表明:① 物流企业和物流节点呈现协同集聚和空间分离相结合的区位特征;物流活动总体呈现“中心边缘、近郊和远郊交错”的空间格局,与物流就业空间耦合度低。② 由物流园区和物流中心构成的公共物流空间是政府引导的结果,由服务于特定行业和终端用户的配送中心构成的末端物流空间多为企业主导,两者区位分异显著。③ 在物流区位形成过程中,政府通过规划交通线路和货运场站改变交通区位条件,配置物流仓储用地影响不同区域物流地租和可得性,进而调控企业行为并形成物流空间的类型与职能分异;企业则通过资产配置的差异化来满足不同服务对象的多样化需求,促进专业化分工并形成物流空间的对象分异。

关键词: 区位 ; 空间分异 ; 物流节点 ; 物流企业 ; 资产专用性 ; 北京


The logistics nodes and logistics enterprises are the core carriers and organizational subjects of the logistics space, and their location characteristics and spatial differentiation have significant impacts on the urban logistics space distribution and logistics resources allocation. Based on Tencent Online Maps Platform from December 2014, 4396 logistics points of interest (POI) were collected in Beijing, China. Adopting the methods of industrial concentration evaluation and kernel density analysis, the spatial distribution pattern of logistics in Beijing are explored, the interaction mechanism among the type difference, supplydemand factors and location choice behavior are clarified, and the internal mechanism of spatial differentiation under the combined influence of transportation, land rent and assets are revealed. The following conclusions are drawn in the paper. (1) Logistics enterprises and logistics nodes exhibit the characteristic of both co-agglomeration and spatial separation in location, and logistics activities display the spatial pattern of "marginal area of downtown area, suburbs and exurban area", which have a low coupling degree with logistics employment space. (2) The public logistics space, namely, logistics parks and logistics centers, is produced under the guidance of the government, and the terminal logistics space consisting of logistics distribution centers serving for the specific industries and terminal users is dominated by enterprises. They have obvious differentiation in location. (3) In the formation of the logistics spatial location, the government can change the traffic condition by re-planning the transport routes and freight station locations, and control the land rent and availability of different areas by increasing or decreasing the land use of logistics, to impact the enterprise behavior and form different types of logistics space and function differentiation. In comparison, logistics enterprises meet the diverse demands of service objects through differentiation of asset allocation to promote the specialization of division and form the object differentiation of logistics space.

Keywords: location ; spatial differentiation ; logistics node ; logistics enterprise ; asset specificity ; Beijing


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李国旗, 金凤君, 陈娱, 焦敬娟, 刘思婧. 基于POI的北京物流业区位特征与分异机制[J]. , 2017, 72(6): 1091-1103 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201706011

LI Guoqi, JIN Fengjun, CHEN Yu, JIAO Jingjuan, LIU Sijing. Location characteristics and differentiation mechanism of logistics industry based on points of interest:A case study of Beijing[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(6): 1091-1103 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201706011

1 引言


在物流发展的不同阶段,国内外物流区位研究的焦点变化明显。在实体分销(Physical Distribution)阶段,主要集中于制造业分销仓库和流通企业配送中心的选址[3-4];在物流功能整合(Integrated Logistics Management)阶段,则注重具有公共服务功能的物流园区和物流中心的布局[5-6]。上述两阶段均侧重于物流节点选址与布局的最优化问题,研究尺度多聚焦于城市和特定企业层面。21世纪,物流进入供应链时代,地理学者逐渐成为物流空间区位研究的重要力量,并聚焦于物流企业和物流节点的多尺度空间区位重构现象[1, 7]。大都市区作为物流需求的主要来源地和物流企业、物流节点的主要布局地[8-9],吸引了诸多学者从不同角度展开研究,形成的代表性认识有:物流节点向海港和空港、高速公路节点等交通设施周边、大城市群边缘的内陆郊区以及内陆走廊地区、远郊地区集聚,以便实现与其它地区乃至整个国家的货流联系[10-13];物流节点向大都市区集聚,加速了物流活动的空间重构、物流用地的增加以及货流流动的再组织[14-15];物流节点和物流企业区位总体呈现“蔓延”(sprawl)和“极化”(polarization)现象[16-17]

在物流区位研究重点和数据来源方面,国内外研究存在一定差异。欧美和日本等发达国家的物流市场化程度和物流集约化水平较高,物流企业被普遍认为是集聚在物流节点内部的,重点关注物流集群和物流节点区位问题。研究数据多采用细分至邮政编码(ZIP-CODE)的物流统计数据和企业样本调查数据。中国于20世纪80年代引入物流概念,以物流园区、物流中心等为代表的公共物流节点的集中运营主要在“十二五”时期,现有研究聚焦于物流企业的区位布局特征、影响因素和形成机制的探究,将物流节点归属于物流企业的特定职能类型,未系统揭示政府行为对物流节点和物流企业区位形成的重要作用[13-14, 18-20],国内研究数据多来源于小样本调查问卷、黄页和工商注册信息等,存在样本量不足和实证分析难度大等问题。当前,物流活动在全球多尺度空间急剧变化,物流发展重心加速转向亚太地区,中国物流活动受新经济影响,变化尤为显著,亟待强化物流活动的区位理论与实证[1, 12],以揭示不同行为主体作用下的物流企业和物流节点的空间作用机理与演化等系列问题。

空间信息科学注重以3S等信息技术为基础,对空间数据进采集存储和管理,其理论和方法赋予区位研究新的生命力[21]。中国阿里巴巴、京东等电商企业和腾讯、高德、百度等基于位置服务的企业加速发展,在革新物流企业组织模式和加剧物流用地矛盾、“最后一公里”配送难等问题的同时[10, 16],凸显了新因素对物流区位的影响,为物流地理信息采集与处理提供了新途径,赋予了中国物流区位研究新机遇。经过“十五”、“十一五”、“十二五”物流业规划的编制和实施,北京初步建成了顺义空港、通州马驹桥、平谷马坊和大兴京南等物流园区,及十八里店等一批物流中心和配送中心,城市物流空间基本形成。在京津冀协同发展背景下,首都物流功能调整势在必行。以北京为研究对象,采集区内物流兴趣点(Point of Interest, POI),识别物流节点和物流企业的区位特征和分异规律,既能为物流功能调整和布局优化提供决策参考,又有利于深化物流区位理论。

2 数据来源与研究方法

2.1 数据来源与处理

基于徐寿波院士在大物流论(Material Flow)中对物流要素论的认识,物流节点作为物资基础要素,是物流活动的承载空间,物流企业作为组织要素,是物流活动的运作主体。两者形成的物流空间区位构成了物流区位理论研究的核心[22]。现阶段对物流节点和物流企业的内涵与分类尚未达成广泛共识,制约了微观尺度的实证研究。据此,首先进行研究样本的分类与编码,主要依据为:① 参考《物流术语》(GB/T 18354-2006)国家标准,将物流节点分为物流园区(物流基地)、物流中心、配送(分拨)中心3个亚类,按照行为主体不同再细分为政府布局和企业自建2个小类;考虑到国内物流概念引入和专业化物流节点建设前,货运场站作为传统物流节点长期存在,已成为物流活动重要载体,纳入新增亚类,按照运输方式不同再分为4小类,将其作为前3个亚类区位选择的主要供给侧因素;② 参考《物流企业分类与评估指标》(GB/T 19680-2005)国家标准,结合国内外学术界和实践界对物流企业划分标准[23-24],将物流企业分为快递邮政类、仓储运输类、货运代理类、综合物流类及其它5个亚类,按照企业主营业务和性质不同,将快递邮政和仓储运输亚类再划分成两小类;③ 考虑到中国物流概念引入时间较短,在专业化物流节点建设之前,机场、车站等交通运输设施已经存在,且物流企业和物流节点区位选择具有显著的交通依赖性和需求导向性[1, 25],国际贸易与物流活动的联系日趋密切[26],将交通运输、保税、工业园区和综合市场作为物流相关设施,划分为4个亚类,其中:工业园区和综合市场作为物流企业和物流节点区位选择的主要需求侧因素。分类与编码中不同设施和企业间不存在交叉重复,结果如表1所示。

表1   研究样本的分类与编码

Tab. 1   Classification and coding of research samples

(Logistics nodes, LN)
(Logistics Enterprises, LE)
(Logistics related facilities, LF)


基于腾讯地图开放API平台,于2014年12月,选择“物流”、“运输”、“邮局速递”等关键词,收集交通路网和道路场站等基础数据,编程采集得到北京市14区2县范围内的物流POI 4396个(图1)。其中:物流节点405个、物流企业3953个、物流相关设施38个。

图1   研究样本分类型分布

Fig. 1   Spatial distribution of the POIs by type

2.2 研究方法


图2   研究框架

Fig. 2   Research framework

3 多尺度下的北京物流空间分布格局

3.1 北京物流空间呈现协同集聚和空间分离相结合的区位特征,与物流就业空间存在弱耦合关系


表2   北京市物流产业集中度评价结果

Tab. 2   Evaluation of the degrees of concentration of the logistics industry in Beijing





3.2 北京物流活动总体呈现“中心边缘、近郊和远郊交错”的空间格局


图3   基于核密度的分类型物流空间格局

Fig. 3   Spatial distribution of different types of logistics based on kernel density analysis

4 类型差异、供需侧因素与区位选择行为

4.1 类型差异与物流区位空间的层级性和不均衡性

不同类型的物流节点和物流企业,服务对象、资产配置和服务功能不同,呈现差异化的区位选择行为。有研究表明,物流节点和物流企业呈现围绕中心城区和放射状路网蔓延的演化过程[16-17]。北京市具有典型的中心环形加放射状的路网结构特征,选择以天安门广场为中心点,获取不同类型物流节点和物流企业POI到中心点的欧式距离,计算得到距离中心点的平均距离(图4)和物流节点、物流企业的距离/频次分布(图5)。物流节点和物流企业的平均距离为18.398 km,最小最大平均距离为13.297 km和34.767 km(差值为21.47 km);最高频次对应距离为15.313 km;最小最大距离分别为1.042 km和113.343 km(差值为112.301 km),物流空间区位表现出层级性和不均衡性,究其原因是:

图4   不同类型节点和企业至中心点平均距离

Fig. 4   Average distance from different types of logistics nodes and enterprises to the center

图5   全类型节点和企业的距离/频次分布

Fig. 5   Distance/frequency distribution for all types of nodes and enterprises

(1)由物流园区和物流中心构成的公共物流空间是政府引导的结果,而企业行为主导面向特定行业和终端用户的配送中心构成的末端物流空间。政府规划的物流园区距离最远,物流中心较物流园区小2.655 km,符合物流节点的层级特征和政府对物流区位郊区化的导向[13, 20]。企业自建与政府规划的物流园区、物流中心平均距离相近(差值分别为0.5 km和1.4 km),反映了政府与企业行为的趋同性。企业自主建设为主的配送中心平均距离为21.957 km,介于物流中心与物流园区之间,表明政府对终端配送节点引导不足,也体现了中心城区边缘地带和近郊区的物流用地不足和地价过高影响了配送中心靠近消费区布局,与大城市普遍存在的“最后一公里”配送难的现状相吻合[18]。受城市物流功能调整和货运场站外迁影响,铁路货站普遍位于远郊区,承担主要货运功能的百子湾、双桥、大红门等仍位于中心城市外围,与北京道路运输管理部门设立的公路货站平均距离接近,但与近年新建的公共物流节点距离相差较大(差值大于5 km),凸显了大城市普遍存在的短距离倒运、物流作业环节增加和物流成本偏高等问题。

(2)不同类型物流企业空间受政府规划、服务对象、土地成本、既有节点设施、办公环境等多因素影响,差异显著。快递企业主要面向居民集中区提供服务,平均距离为16.337 km,邮政企业的区位选择注重全域覆盖,平均距离大于快递企业(差值大于5 km),既符合两者面向末端消费者的市场定位,又体现了邮政的普适性公共服务属性。运输与配送类企业区位既注重服务对象,又呈现物流节点依赖性,平均距离为18.574 km;仓储企业区位则更关注土地成本和政府规划物流园区的衔接,平均距离为23.175 km;货代类企业大多属于轻资产企业,离市区最近,平均距离仅为13.840 km,与公路货运场站平均距离接近;综合物流类和其他类企业由于样本量较少未表现出明显布局规律。

4.2 供给侧因素与物流区位选择的动态性和空间分异

考虑城市规模、供给侧因素辐射与服务范围和研究结果的稳定性,从表1中提取18个公路货运场站和16个主要铁路货运场站作为供给侧关键因素,以0.5 km为最小间隔区间,分析10 km范围内物流POI累计分布(图6)。结果表明:公路货运场站7、8、9和铁路货运场站1、7、8、12、13的集聚效应明显。其中:北京西南公路货运主枢纽、通州张家湾枢纽和亦庄京泰物流中心的集聚能力最强;受用地空间和地租上升等影响,传统大红门、丰台、百子湾等铁路货站的集聚能力下降,位于远郊且用地条件良好的房山、良乡、怀柔等铁路货站逐渐成为新的集聚区域,呈现出较显著的动态性。对铁路和公路货站的密度分布计算可知(图7):在3 km范围内,公路货站对物流POI集聚能力更强;3~6 km范围内,密度变化趋于平稳,集聚效应开始衰退;在6~7 km范围内,再次出现密度上升则多为周边场站的干扰所致。

图6   货运场站的物流POI累积分布图

Fig. 6   Cumulative distribution of logistics POI at freight stations

图7   公路和铁路货运场站密度分布图

Fig. 7   Density distribution of logistics POI around highway and railway freight stations

物流企业和物流节点区位受传统货站影响的同时,对由主干线和放射状道路构成的交通主骨架的依赖性被普遍关注[12, 15, 29]。以北京六条环状道路和放射状路骨架网为分析对象,以0.1 km为最小间隔单元,统计2 km缓冲区内物流节点和物流企业聚集情况(图8)。

图8   基于缓冲区分析的物流节点和物流企业区位分布图

Fig. 8   Distribution of logistics node and logistics enterprise locations based on buffer zone analysis

(1)在缓冲区与区位关系方面,物流节点和物流企业呈现出类似的“高—中—低”的集聚分布特征。前者高密集层为0~0.5 km,相同最小间隔单元集聚数量在16~33之间,占总数28.39%;中密集层为0.5~1.2 km;集聚数量在10~19之间,占总数22.96%;1.2~2 km为低密集层,集聚数量在4~9之间,占总数15.55%;缓冲区内集聚的物流节点占66.90%;物流企业的高密集层为0~0.4 km,占总数的35.44%,中密集层为0.4~1.2 km,低密集层结果相同,缓冲区物流企业数占84.90%,物流企业对骨干交通网络的依赖性略强,这与两者对用地需求规模和资产配置等的差异直接相关。


4.3 需求侧因素与物流区位选择的稳态性和空间分异

考虑到城市规模、需求侧因素规模和研究结果的稳定性,从表1中提取北京市的18个工业园区和13个主要专业市场作为需求侧关键因素,以0.5 km为最小间隔区间,得到10 km范围内物流POI累计分布情况(图9)。结果表明,工业园区4、7、9、11、13、17和专业市场1、5、6、8的集聚效应明显。其中:位于近郊的大兴经开区、远郊中关村科技园昌平园和雁栖、永乐、八达岭经开区集聚度最高,反映了制造物流的郊区化特征,与制造需求的主导地位相吻合;中心城区边缘地带的新发地、八里桥、玉泉路农产品批发市场和鼎好天地电子批发市场集聚度最高,表明城市商贸物流仍集中于中心城区周边,具有较强的稳态性,与制造物流需求区位分化显著。对不同需求类型密度分布计算可知(图10):在1 km范围内,工业园区较专业市场对物流POI集聚能力更强,表明北京市制造与物流融合程度较高、工业园区物流用地充沛且地价相对较低,而商贸物流的配套能力不足,影响了城市配送的高效组织;其次,专业市场的集聚能力优于工业园区,与商贸服务的物流企业和物流节点规模小、数量多且存在类型和对象分异等特点相吻合。

图9   工业园区和专业市场的物流POI累积分布图

Fig. 9   Cumulative distribution of logistics POI for industry parks and professional markets

图10   工业园区和专业市场密度分布图

Fig. 10   Density distribution of logistics POI in industrial parks and professional markets

5 交通、地租、资产与空间分异


5.1 交通与类型分异

交通作为物流区位选择关键要素的地位没有根本改变。北京的实证研究表明,“环状+放射状”交通骨架网络是物流区位布局的核心要素,66%物流节点和85%的物流企业均集聚于骨架网络周边。传统的货运场站、机场、口岸等对物流区位的形成有重要作用,60%以上的物流企业和物流节点区位符合上述规律。北京规划的公共物流节点的交通依赖性表现在:顺义空港物流基地毗邻机场;马驹桥物流基地毗邻六环路和京沪高速;平谷马坊物流基地毗邻京平高速公路和马坊铁路货运站;京南物流基地靠近京开高速公路、内部建设26条铁路专用线。但平均距离和距离频次实证表明,北京交通设施和配送中心的衔接不够。受各种运输方式技术经济特征影响,高速公路出入口和公路货站往往成为物流中心和配送中心布局地,铁路货站和口岸周边的物流园区(物流基地)规模较大,航空货站成为快递分拨中心的布局地,类型分异显著。国内外物流调查表明,德国物流园区多依托原交通枢纽发展而来,日本物流园区规划的主要目的是解决交通拥堵问题[24]。2015年中国物流园区调查中,62%以上园区有两种以上交通连接方式,14%的园区有3种交通连接方式,中国有87%的物流园区布局注重交通便捷性,与北京市实证数据吻合性良好,具有普遍性。物流园区的入驻企业调查表明,第三方物流企业占85%,运输企业占72%、快递企业占50%,货代企业占49%,与北京市公共物流空间的集聚特征较吻合。总体而言,交通区位对不同类型物流节点和物流企业空间分异已被普遍接受[11, 19]。从不同行为主体的差异来看,物流节点规模越大,政府和企业联合的程度越高,区位行为愈一致,65%以上的中国物流园区均是政府规划、企业主导建设的,德国和日本物流园区建设也多采用公私联合模式。

5.2 地租与职能分异


5.3 资产与对象分异


受大都市城市空间蔓延和功能调整影响,物流区位在中心城区向郊区化蔓延和极化过程中,物流空间分异过程总体呈现4个转变:① 服务对象的物理属性(重量和体积)由小件向大件转变,② 服务对象的资产属性由通用向专业化转变;③ 物流企业的职能由办公向操作转变;④ 物流节点的类型由末端向公共转变。上述转变过程既受交通区位、地租变化和资产配置成本的影响,也是生产性需求(多为制造型需求)、生活性需求(多为商贸型需求)在城市空间分布和调整的结果(图11)。

图11   基于“交通—地租—资产”的物流空间分异过程

Fig. 11   Logistics spatial differentiation process based on "transportation, land rent and asset"

6 结论和讨论


研究结果发现:① 在政府主导的公共物流节点空间形成过程中,企业参与程度较高,形成了政府规划、企业主导的开发模式,实现了集约和高效发展;但政府在规划过程中对面向消费者的末端物流空间考虑不足,受交通、地租和资产配置等多因素综合作用,企业自建为主的配送中心空间集中度较低,与政府公共物流空间衔接不够,增加了配送作业环节和成本,亟待实现两者融合发展和统一规划。② 在城市功能调整和空间优化过程中,物流区位的动态性显著,加快了物流节点区位的郊区化趋势。但受资产配置变化和经营模式转变影响,部分物流企业区位并未发生显著变化,如何兼顾政府和企业行为差异是物流空间优化调整的重点。③ 不同物流企业的资产类型差异较大,传统研究普遍将物流节点作为物流企业的特定资产进行考虑,而忽略了外部资产和资产属性的差异。由于POI数据采集和分类中,对资产类型的采集难度大。为此,本文主要从资产的变现难易、形态和专用型程度与区位形成与演变的关系进行探究。未来应进一步系统界定资产细类,基于多源采集工具,以深入认识资产对不同类型节点和企业区位形成的作用机理。④ 现有物流企业类型、职能和行业分散,未形成统一标准,亟待完善分类和编码体系,以系统探究服务对象对物流企业区位选择影响。物流POI信息较问卷调查和企业黄页具有样本量大、经纬度坐标齐备等优点,但仍存在及时性、全面性等问题,亟待与普查数据等进行相互校验,以提高数据的完整性和有效性,未来进一步完善物流节点和物流企业的资产与服务对象属性,加强与经济普查数据的衔接,以深化物流区位理论。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Wang Chengjin.Space Network Mode and Organization Mechanism of Logistics Enterprises. Beijing: Science Press, 2014.

[本文引用: 4]     

[王成金. 物流企业的空间网络模式与组织机理. 北京: 科学出版社, 2014.]

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[2] Allena J, Brownea M, Cherrettb T.

Investigating relationships between road freight transport, facility location, logistics management and urban form

. Journal of Transport Geography, 2012, 24(9): 45-57.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2012.06.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines road freight transport activity and its relationship with facility location, logistics management and urban form through an analysis of 14 selected urban areas in the UK. Improved understanding of this relationship will assist planners when making transport and land use decisions. The findings suggest that several geographical, spatial and land use factors have important influences on freight activity in urban areas. Commercial and industrial land use patterns affect the types and quantities of goods produced, consumed, and hence the total quantity of freight transport handled. This also influences the distances over which goods are moved and by what specific mode. There has been relatively low growth in warehousing in many of the selected areas over the last decade compared to the national average as well suburbanisation of warehousing in some locations. This affects the origin and destination of journeys visiting these facilities and typically increases the distance of such journeys. A greater proportion of road freight has been shown to be lifted on internal journeys in large urban areas than in smaller ones. Journeys within urban areas have been shown to be less efficient than journeys to and from the urban area in the 14 locations studied due to the much smaller average vehicle carrying capacities and lower lading factors for journeys within urban areas. The length of haul on journeys to and from urban areas studied was found to be greatest for those areas with a major seaport and/or which were geographically remote. This affects the road freight transport intensity of goods transport journeys.
[3] Sule D R.

Logistics of Facility Location and Allocation

, New York: Marcel Dekker, 2001.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper presents a methodology for the integration of scheduling and allocation in high-level synthesis. It shows how a previous global analysis of the data flow graph structure and the module library features can be used as an appropriate guide to accelerate the process of finding solutions in the design space. Several bounding and guiding heuristics for a branch-and-bound-based exploration are presented. In addition to dealing with basic blocks, the scheduling and allocation method addresses also the treatment of conditional branches and loops.
[4] Liu Haiyan, Li Zongping, Ye Huaizhen.

Logistics distribution center allocation model

. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2000, 35(3): 311-314.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.2000.03.021      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[刘海燕, 李宗平, 叶怀珍.


. 西南交通大学学报, 2000, 35(3): 311-314.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724.2000.03.021      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[5] Taniguchi E, Noritake M, Yamada T, et al.

Optimal size and location planning of public logistics terminals

. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 1999, 35(3): 207-222.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S1366-5545(99)00009-5      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The concept of public logistics terminals (multi-company distribution centers) has been proposed in Japan to help alleviate traffic congestion, environment, energy and labor costs. These facilities allow more efficient logistics systems to be established and they facilitate the implementation of advanced information systems and cooperative freight systems. This paper describes a mathematical model developed for determining the optimal size and location of public logistics terminals. Queuing theory and nonlinear programming techniques are used to determine the best solution. The model explicitly takes into account traffic conditions in the network and was successfully applied to an actual road network in the Kyoto saka area in Japan.
[6] Yuan Qingda, Du Wen, Li Qingsong.

The size and location of region public logistics center

. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2001, 1(4): 97-100.

[本文引用: 1]     

[袁庆达, 杜文, 黎青松.


. 交通运输工程学报, 2001, 1(4): 97-100.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[7] Hesse M, Rodrigue J P.

The transport geography of logistics and freight distribution

. Journal of Transport Geography, 2004, 12(3): 171-184.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2003.12.004      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Goods movement and freight distribution are widely underrepresented in regional science and geographical research. This is surprising since a large body of traditional spatial theory has been developed with respect to transportation costs or to trade areas: those aspects that were originally closely connected with the exchange of goods. Growing attention is being paid in geography to related subjects, such as the emergence of global production networks, to structural changes in retail or to the commodification of modern consumption. To a certain extent, these processes depend upon the efficient transfer of information, finance and physical goods. Yet, with a few exceptions, the freight sector appears to be neglected in contemporary research. This paper provides an overview of the emerging transport geography of logistics and freight distribution. It challenges the traditional perspective where transportation is considered as a derived demand with the idea that logistical requirements underline transportation as a component of an integrated demand. The paper provides an analysis of the evolution of logistics as it pertains to the core dimensions of transport geography (flows, nodes/locations and networks). The concept of logistical friction is also introduced to illustrate the inclusion of the multidimensional notion of impedance in integrated freight transport demand.</p>
[8] O'Connor K.

Global city regions and the location of logistics activity

. Journal of Transport Geography, 2010, 18(3): 354-362.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2009.06.015      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The aim of this paper is to extend and develop research surrounding the links between transport and urban regions. An understanding of transport activity has long involved the use of spatial frameworks, seen in the idea of a gateway city (with its surrounding hinterland) and in the identification of hubs or nodes. The particular framework used here is the global city region, a build-out from the much researched global city, and acknowledged as the most prominent feature of spatial development in the global economy. As these areas can accommodate important sea and airport infrastructure, the global city region can be expected to play a significant role in global logistics. Whether that significance extends just from the physical realm, as reflected in the infrastructure, or whether it is embedded in the scale and complexity of the advanced business services sector within the global city, is the issue that lies at the heart of the research. The research has set out to answer the question: ow important are these regions in logistics activity? . The question has relevance in the context of transport geography as it provides an urban structure perspective on what is commonly seen as separate port or airport activity. Its relevance is enhanced as its answer relies upon a simultaneous analysis of both sea and air freight activity. Results show these regions counted for a substantial and growing share of sea and air freight between 1996 and 2006. In accounting for that outcome the research explores the particular effect of infrastructure (showing that global city regions with multiple seaport and airports play a special role) and also isolates the links with global city functions. The paper concludes with some insight on the special challenge these places create for strategic urban planning policy.
[9] Van den Heuvel F P, de Langen P W, van Donselaar K H, et al.

Regional logistics land allocation policies: stimulating spatial concentration of logistics firm

. Transport Policy, 2013, 30(12): 275-282.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2013.09.022      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Although spatial concentration of logistics firms in logistics concentration areas can be beneficial for society at large, there is not much research on the relationship between land allocation policies and logistics concentration areas. This paper analyzes land allocation policies by means of a survey conducted in the south of the Netherlands. Results show that municipalities do not actively stimulate spatial concentration of logistics firms, although both aldermen and public administration employees acknowledge that co-location of logistics firms can lead to benefits. There is a need for cooperation between municipalities, such that a regional policy can be developed, to attain the regional benefits of logistics concentration areas, while local disadvantages (like congestion and CO 2 emissions) can be reduced. Respondents acknowledge the positive effects of cooperation with respect to logistics land allocation, but recognize some impediments. Municipalities that already cooperate with others are positive about the results. Hence, municipalities are advised to build partnerships, such that land allocation policies can be better aligned with the stimulation of logistics concentration areas.
[10] Rivera L, Sheffi Y, Welsch R.

Logistics agglomeration in the US

. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2014, 59(11): 222-238.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2013.11.009      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Governments around the world are investing significant resources in the development of logistics clusters. This paper develops a methodology for identifying them and applies it to answer several lingering questions in the context of the US. It contributes to a more general debate in the general industrial clusters literature: while many authors see industrial clusters growing, others see them dispersing. To answer this and related questions in the context of logistics clusters the paper first analyzes the prevalence of such clusters using a two-index methodology to identify clusters in the US. Evidence of increasing concentration of the logistics industry in clusters in the US over time is tested and documented. In addition, some evidence that logistics activities in counties inside clusters show higher growth than counties outside clusters is found.
[11] Rivera L, Sheffi Y, Desirée K.

Logistics clusters: The impact of further agglomeration, training and firm size on collaboration and value added services

. International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 179(9): 285-294.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.05.018      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61We model the impact from location in logistics parks and training on firms' achievement of cluster benefits.61Confirm location within logistics parks enhances transportation capacity sharing.61Confirm training enhances collaboration (in terms of transportation capacity sharing and resource sharing) and value added services.61Confirm results do not change when controlling for the firm size effect.61Confirm that size positively impacts the degree of collaboration and VAS of logistics companies.
[12] Verhetsel A, Kessels R, Goos P, et al.

Location of logistics companies: A stated preference study to disentangle the impact of accessibility

. Journal of Transport Geography, 2015, 42(1): 110-121.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.12.002      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Due to the globalization and the fragmentation of industrial production processes, the logistics sector, organizing the linkages between different production plants and the market, is growing fast. This results in an increasing demand for suitable new business locations. Previous research has indicated that accessibility is a key factor in the location decision making process. Though the literature on this subject is extensive, little research has been done to quantify the impact of the different dimensions of accessibility on the location decision process of logistics companies. This paper aims to fill this void in the literature by means of a revealed preference study (using a Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis) and a stated preference study (using a designed discrete choice experiment) in Flanders (Belgium). The results of the revealed preference study served as input to the design of the choice situations in the stated preference study. In the stated preference study, the respondents were confronted with a series of choice situations described by means of accessibility variables as well as land rent information. An analysis of the resulting data by means of discrete choice modeling revealed that land rent is the most important factor in the location choice of logistics companies in Flanders. Access to a port is the second most important factor, followed by access to a motorway, the location in a business park and an inland navigation terminal, which are all about equally important. Access to a rail terminal plays no significant role in the location choice of logistics companies in Flanders.
[13] Pan Yujuan, Cao Xiaoshu.

Spatial patterns and their formation mechanism of supply logistics network of wholesale markets in Guangzhou

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012, 67(2): 179-188.

[本文引用: 3]     

[潘裕娟, 曹小曙.


. 地理学报, 2012, 67(2): 179-188.]

[本文引用: 3]     

[14] Cao Weidong.

Spatial pattern and location evolution of urban logistics enterprises: Taking Suzhou as an example

. Geographical Research, 2011, 30(11): 1997-2007.

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011110006      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

通过建立苏州市1990~2007年的物流企业空间与属性数据库,借助GIS空间分析模块, 采用样方、空间自相关以及热点区分析方法,对城市物流企业空间分布及其演化进行探究。研究表明:(1)近20年来,物流企业区位分布总体处于集聚状态,但 BPI呈减小趋势,显示集聚强度减弱;物流空间分布从少数高强度中心向多集聚中心扩散,缺乏全局性的高值和低值集聚中心区,物流企业空间分布发生演化和迁 移;(2)物流企业分布的热点区发生明显的扩散和迁移,热点区由单一向多极、由中心城区向次中心城镇扩展,拓展呈现明显的沿路和沿江的带状分布;(3)资 产型和非资产型物流企业区位及演化存在显著差异,资产型物流企业在中心城区分布呈扩散和离心化特征,而非资产型物流企业在中心城区分布呈集聚和向心化趋势 明显。


城市物流企业区位分布的空间格局及其演化: 以苏州市为例

. 地理研究, 2011, 30(11): 1997-2007.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011110006      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

通过建立苏州市1990~2007年的物流企业空间与属性数据库,借助GIS空间分析模块, 采用样方、空间自相关以及热点区分析方法,对城市物流企业空间分布及其演化进行探究。研究表明:(1)近20年来,物流企业区位分布总体处于集聚状态,但 BPI呈减小趋势,显示集聚强度减弱;物流空间分布从少数高强度中心向多集聚中心扩散,缺乏全局性的高值和低值集聚中心区,物流企业空间分布发生演化和迁 移;(2)物流企业分布的热点区发生明显的扩散和迁移,热点区由单一向多极、由中心城区向次中心城镇扩展,拓展呈现明显的沿路和沿江的带状分布;(3)资 产型和非资产型物流企业区位及演化存在显著差异,资产型物流企业在中心城区分布呈扩散和离心化特征,而非资产型物流企业在中心城区分布呈集聚和向心化趋势 明显。
[15] Dablanc L, Ogilvie S, Goodchild A.

Logistics sprawl: differential warehousing development patterns in Los Angeles and Seattle

. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2014, 2410(12): 105-112.

https://doi.org/10.3141/2410-12      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The warehousing industry experienced a period of rapid growth from 1998 to 2009. This paper compares how the geographic distribution of warehouses changed in both the Los Angeles and Seattle Metropolitan Areas over that time period. These two west coast cities were chosen due to their geographic spread and proximity to major ports as well as their difference in size. The phenomenon of logistics sprawl, or the movement of logistics facilities away from urban centers, which has been demonstrated in past research for the Atlanta and Paris regions, is examined for these two areas. The weighted geometric center of warehousing establishments was calculated for both areas for both years, along with the change in the average distance of warehouses to that center, an indicator of sprawl. We find that between 1998 and 2009, warehousing in Los Angeles sprawled considerably, with the average distance increasing from 25.91 to 31.96 miles, an increase of over 6 miles. However in Seattle, the region remained relatively stable, showing a slight decrease in average distance from the geographic center. Possible explanations for this difference are discussed.
[16] Takanori S, Kazuya K, Tetsuro H.

Locational dynamics of logistics facilities: evidence from Tokyo

. Journal of Transport Geography, 2015, 46(6): 10-19.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.05.003      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

This study uses data from a large-scale freight survey conducted in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area to jointly analyze the spatial distribution of logistics facilities and their proximities to the locations of shipment origins and destinations. The aim of the study is to examine in detail the argument that logistics sprawls increase truck trip distances, and thus would incur negative impacts to the society. We found that between 1980 and 2003, logistics facilities in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area have migrated outward, albeit in a much smaller scale than the cases documented in some U.S. and European cities. Our analysis of the shipment data confirms that logistics sprawl increases truck travel. Furthermore, we found that, regardless of their age, logistics facilities tend to increase shipping distances as their distances to the urban center increase, due to the spatial mismatch between the locations of the facilities and the shipment origins and destinations. The findings underscore the importance of comprehensive efforts to coordinate land use, not only for logistics facilities but also other businesses that generate freight movements.
[17] Dablanc L,

Ross C Atlanta: A mega logistics center in the piedmont Atlantic megaregion

. Journal of Transport Geography, 2012, 24(9): 432-442.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2012.05.001      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper looks at spatial patterns of freight and logistics activities and the planning and policy issues associated with them. Two important characteristics of the geography of the logistics industry are analyzed: (1) “Logistics sprawl,” i.e. the spatial deconcentration of logistics facilities and distribution centers in metropolitan areas, and (2) the polarization of logistics activities, i.e. the concentration of logistics activities in very large metropolitan areas. The paper focuses on Atlanta, one of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States (US). Like other very large cities in the US, in recent years logistics activities have increased considerably in Atlanta. The paper also examines the Piedmont Atlantic Megaregion (PAM), which has a total population of 15 million and includes Birmingham, Atlanta, Raleigh–Durham and Charlotte. PAM contains many distribution centers with a national and international market area, and is one of the country’s fastest growing locations for logistics hubs. The megaregion concept is particularly well-suited to the analysis of freight transport systems, because freight transport’s market areas, driven by global supply chains, are largely disconnected from a single city and spatially organized on a regional and multicity basis. Another focus of the paper is the question of planning for a more efficient locational pattern of freight facilities across metropolitan areas and within megaregions. Local governments compete for jobs and activities that generate tax revenues, and logistics has become a significant activity for many US metropolitan areas. The megaregion concept can contribute to a more collaborative regional planning approach.
[18] Wang Chengjin.

Spatial organizational network of logistics company in China

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[19] Cao Weidong.

Study on location features and spatial correlation of port enterprises: Taking Shanghai port backup area as an example

. Geographical Research, 2012, 31(6): 1079-1088.

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2012060011      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

港航企业的行为空间研究正成为现代港口地理学新的研究热点。以上 海港口后勤区为例,建立港航企业空间属性数据库,收集各区县制造业、仓储业、商业、商务办公业的企业数据以及对应的建筑面积数据,综合运用空间基尼系数、 GIS空间统计与插值以及地理联系率三种研究方法,从中微观尺度刻画上海港口后勤区主要港航企业的区位特征以及空间关联。研究表明:现阶段上海港口后勤区 港航企业以广域(市域)分布为主,总体呈现明显的空间聚集特征;不同类型港航企业的区位选择具有明显的差异性,港航企业多以中心城区为核心、沿黄浦江空间 集聚明显,而无船承运企业则呈现大分散小集聚布局;港航企业区位选择与制造业具有空间可分性,而国际集装箱运输企业地域依赖性明显。


港航企业区位特征及其空间关联: 以上海港口后勤区为例

. 地理研究, 2012, 31(6): 1079-1088.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2012060011      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

港航企业的行为空间研究正成为现代港口地理学新的研究热点。以上 海港口后勤区为例,建立港航企业空间属性数据库,收集各区县制造业、仓储业、商业、商务办公业的企业数据以及对应的建筑面积数据,综合运用空间基尼系数、 GIS空间统计与插值以及地理联系率三种研究方法,从中微观尺度刻画上海港口后勤区主要港航企业的区位特征以及空间关联。研究表明:现阶段上海港口后勤区 港航企业以广域(市域)分布为主,总体呈现明显的空间聚集特征;不同类型港航企业的区位选择具有明显的差异性,港航企业多以中心城区为核心、沿黄浦江空间 集聚明显,而无船承运企业则呈现大分散小集聚布局;港航企业区位选择与制造业具有空间可分性,而国际集装箱运输企业地域依赖性明显。
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-1735.2009.04.025      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要


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基于当前物流业面临良好发展机遇与条件分析,本文以北京为研究对象,学习借鉴国内外物流园区 的发展经验,分析北京发展公共物流区的影响因素,提出了以物流基地(一级)、综合物流区(二级)、专业物流区(三级)三个层级为核心的物流园区空间规划, 并对公共物流区的规划规模、控制强度等提出了控制建议。
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文章通过对资产专用性理论的回顾,认为资产专用性理论对治理模式 选择、企业内部治理、治理边界以及资产处置都不能提供很好的解释,原因是资产专用性理论所采用的比较静态分析方法简化了机会主义动机向机会主义行为转化的 过程,忽视了交易成本表现形式的多样性,并且对不确定性的认识和处理上存在不足.比较静态的分析方法简化了机会主义动机向机会主义行为的转化过程,忽视了 交易成本表现形式的多样性.

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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-368X.2010.05.027      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

文章通过对资产专用性理论的回顾,认为资产专用性理论对治理模式 选择、企业内部治理、治理边界以及资产处置都不能提供很好的解释,原因是资产专用性理论所采用的比较静态分析方法简化了机会主义动机向机会主义行为转化的 过程,忽视了交易成本表现形式的多样性,并且对不确定性的认识和处理上存在不足.比较静态的分析方法简化了机会主义动机向机会主义行为的转化过程,忽视了 交易成本表现形式的多样性.
