Types and Spatial Combination of Danxia Landforms of Fangyan in Zhejiang Province

  • 1. School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China;
    2. Department of Geography,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China;
    3. Zhejiang Construction Bureau,Hangzhou 310027,China;
    4. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,Bengbu College,Bengbu 233050,Anhui,China;
    5. Department of Geography,Chuzhou University,Chuzhou 239012,Anhui,China;
    6. Management Committee of Scenic Areas in Fangyan,Yongkang City of Zhejiang Province,Yongkang 321308,Zhejiang, China;
    7. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China

Received date: 2008-11-03

  Revised date: 2009-01-06

  Online published: 2009-03-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation,No.40871014;Project of Application International Natural Heritages of Construction Bureau of Zhejiang Province;The Test Foundation of Modern Analyses Center of Nanjing University


The prominent types of Danxia landform in Fangyan include enclosed valleys, mesas, peaks, stone columns and grooves etc. Their spatial combination has regular order along the direction of northwest-southeast: typical grooves and caves are mainly located in northwestern Wufengshuyuan; abundant fresh collapsed stones can be observed in central Jimingfeng and Taohuafeng; stone drums and stone columns are in the southeastern Shiguliao particularly; enclosed valleys are encircling joints of peaks and plains from three directions of east, west, and south. The spatial combination suggests that the development of Danxia landform experienced procedures of geomorphic cycle erosion of weathering, collapse, erosion by rivers etc. under the "sculpture" of external force mainly as tectonic uplifting, picturesque Danxia landform was conceived then. They are developed mainly in the strata of Fangyan Formation (K1f) of alluvial fan-braided river phase of anterior fan in the late period of Early Cretaceous. Regular pattern of weathering of stones and features of sediments of braided river phase can be identified by analysis of experimental data obtained from three sample points. Danxia landform of Fangyan is a unique representive of the "adolescent" type of China's Danxia landform in the application of the World Natural Heritages with outstanding universal aesthetic and scientific value.

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OUYANG Jie,ZHU Cheng,PENG Hua,YU Jinbiao,LI Lan,ZHOU Riliang,ZHANG Guangsheng,ZHU Guangyao,LI Zhongxuan,ZHONG Yishun,ZHU Qing,Lv Wen,HU Yongqi,ZHENG Chaogui,Lv Zhenrong,HU Chang,WU Honglin . Types and Spatial Combination of Danxia Landforms of Fangyan in Zhejiang Province[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009 , 64(3) : 349 -356 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200903010


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