Based on the SPOT satellite images of Jiangsu Province in 2007/2008, using models such as exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial metrics, the paper conducts a quantitative analysis of the space differentiation of rural settlements in Jiangsu Province, and further identifies the regional types. The results are shown as follows. In spatial distribution, the rural settlements in Jiangsu are characterized by obvious concentration with evident spatial variability, which is shown in the ladder-like sparse distribution towards the north and south in areas along the Yangtze River with high correlation in the overall distribution and geomorphic types. In the scale, the rural settlements in Jiangsu are generally in small scale with small difference in the scale of small villages and large gap in the scale of large villages which account for a small proportion. The rural settlements in Jiangsu are characterized by low concentration in size distribution, and is obviously presented in the "dumbbell" structure, namely, the rural settlements in northern and southern Jiangsu are in a large scale, and those in the central part are in a relatively small scale. In the spatial change of form and pattern, through the measurement of the pattern indices of the five transects in the northern, central and southern Jiangsu, the coastal area and areas along the Grand Canal, it was found that the form of the rural settlements in central Jiangsu is more complex than that in the northern and southern parts of the province, and the form of coastal area is more complex than that in areas along the canal. The rural settlements in southern Jiangsu and areas along the canal are characterized by good connectivity. The rural settlements in the five transects are significantly differentiated in distribution. Finally, through establishing the morphological measurement index system of the rural settlements, by adopting the method of hierarchical cluster, the rural settlements in Jiangsu are divided into eight types: Xulian hillock (low-density large-mass type), Suhuai plain (medium-density broad-band type), coastal reclamation area (high-density stripe type), polder area in central Suzhou (medium-density arc-belt type), plain south of the Yangtze River (medium-density small-mass type), lake mound land (low-density point-scattered type), Ningyi hilly region ( cluster-like dispersal type), and Lixiahe area (low-density cluster-like type).
MA Xiaodong, LI Quanlin, SHEN Yi
. Morphological Difference and Regional Types of Rural Settlements in Jiangsu Province[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012
, 67(4)
: 516
DOI: 10.11821/xb201204008
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