Speculation of Human-earth Harmony Theory Based on Yi Studies and Geomancy

  • 1. Development Research Institute of the Region Encircling the Bohai Sea, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, Shandong, China;
    2. College of Geography and Planning, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, Shandong, China;
    3. School of Urban and Environment Sciences, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen 041004, Shanxi, China

Received date: 2011-07-05

  Revised date: 2011-11-26

  Online published: 2012-02-20

Supported by

National Social Science Funds Special Commission Project of China, No.2007@ZH005; Key Project ofNational Soft Science of China, No.2700ZXQ4D166


This paper introduces the background and significance of the study. It points out that Yi Studies is not only philosophy but also philosophical methodology for studying man-land relationship by human geography. It discusses the scientific nature of Zhou Yi which collects most of the harvests in Yi Studies. It also studies "Joseph Needham's puzzle" in passing with an answer given. This paper states that the long developing process marked by four historic periods of Yi Studies is a philosophic evolution of Yi Studies in understanding the laws of man-land relationship. It discusses the laws of man-land relationship indicated by philosophical thoughts of Lianshan Yi, Guicang Yi and Zhou Yi. It places more emphasis on the study of a philosophical methodology of human geography—the interpretation of man-land relationship by Zhou Yi. Geomancy originated from Yi Studies, and therefore, there was no geomancy without Yi Studies. Modern geomancy is closely interrelated with China's human geography. The reasons are shown as follows. (1) Physical geographical environmental factors are the basis of geomancy. (2) A mass of geographical knowledge and methods are the stanchion of geomancy study. (3) The core of geomancy study is man-land relationship. The paper studies dialectical relationship between human-earth harmoniousness theory, Zhou Yi and geomancy and reveals the roles of Zhou Yi and geomancy play in research and coordination of man-land relationship. As viewpoints of geomancy are quite different, Chinese modern human geography should unscramble its special field—geomancy historically, objectively, scientifically and dialectically. Correspondently, the practical process of modern geomancy is discussed with the layout of the overall planning of Guoling International Tourism Holiday District of Qinghai Yellow River as an example. Geomancy contains certain superstition, but it also has important scientific thoughts. We should neither cover its pseudoscientificity with its scientificity, nor should we deny its scientificity by its pseudoscientificity. If scientific thoughts of geomancy were set up in the research and application community of geomancy, no matter whether in academic schools or folk ones, the real scientific geomancy would be established, and all of superstitions in geomancy would have gone. The paper suggests that the studies of Yi Studies and geomancy by Chinese human geography should be combined with Western human geography and relevant subjects by discarding the dross and selecting the essence, eliminating the false and retaining the true, making the past serve the present and foreign things serve China as well. Hence, Chinese human geography development can be impelled and human geography with Chinese characteristics will be set up. Finally, the paper points out that Chinese geomancy and human geography are now entering a critical historical transition period, so more concern, tolerance and space are needed.

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SUN Fenghua . Speculation of Human-earth Harmony Theory Based on Yi Studies and Geomancy[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012 , 67(2) : 266 -282 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201202012


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