Impact of Climate Change on Energy Demand

  • National Climate Center, Beijing 100081

Received date: 2000-07-03

  Revised date: 2000-09-12

  Online published: 2000-12-15

Supported by

The National Key Project of the Ninth Five Year Plan, No.96-908-03-031


In the paper, we calculate some elements about winter heating and analyses their variety characteristics in north of China, for example, start and end date of heating period, heating degree day, heating length and its variability. build the correlation equations between mean temperature in winter and variability of heating degree day, study the impact of different temperature changes on demanding for heating. analyses that the climatic abnormality change impact on demanding for heating in whole heating area and some places in the area. build relative model about temperature change impacting on heating energy consumption, We also have a attempt to use variability of heating length in place of energy consumption in the model.

Cite this article

CHEN Yu, HUANG Chao-ying . Impact of Climate Change on Energy Demand[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2000 , 55(s1) : 11 -19 . DOI: 10.11821/xb2000S1003

