Measuresfor Problem sofEnergy Issuesand Supply in China’sCoastalRegion

  • Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101

Received date: 1999-01-25

  Revised date: 1999-05-27

  Online published: 1999-11-15

Supported by

The project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences


The coastalregion, with 60% ofthe country’s totalGDP, is a key area forna- tionaleconom ic developm entin China. Despite ofm any favorable conditions, coastalre- gion is facing som e serious problem s in its future developm ent, and am ong w hich energy supply is the m ostseriousone. With 7% ofChina’s energy proved resources, the energy consum ption ofcoastalre- gion in 1996 was 47% ofthecountry’s total, com paring with thatitsprim ary energy pro- duction registered 26% ofthecountry asaw hole.Asa result, therecentenergy sufficien- cy ofthisarea is only about51%, and itis estim ated thatthe am ountofim ported energy willreach nearly 550 m illion tonesin 2010. Considering thespatialdisparity in energy pro- duction and consum ption in this area, such a huge energy supply willcause a big pressure on energy transport, particularly on the railway system . Whatism ore, the greatincrease in energy consum ption dom inated by coal (m ore than 74% of the total energy consum ption) w illm ake the environm entalproblem s w orse. Resting on allthesesfacts, som em easuresforim proving theenergy production in this area could be: first, speeding up the construction oftherm opowerprojects nearthe sea to save the fresh water; second, lim iting the scale ofrecentcoalproduction to save the re- sources; third, reinforcing industrialrestructuring and enhancing energy efficiency. Itis also im portantto im provethe transportfacilitiesforgetting m oreim ported ener- gy from inland China. Firstofall, therailroadsand harborsserved forcoaltransportation should be builtup in tim e, such astherailway linelinking the Shaanxiand Huanghuahar- bor, as w ellas Xi’an—Nanjing—Shanghairaillines. Secondly, the corridorofthe long- distance power transm it lines served for the hydropower stations such as at the upper reaches ofChangjiang river should be setup. The last, m ore and m ore oilshould be im - portfrom abroad to optim ize energy consum ption structure. As to the relationshipsofenergy supply, thedevelopm entpoliciesshould beem phases distinctly in differentareasofcoastalregion as follow s: the structuraloptim ization ofthe energy supply w ith a greatfavorin the developm entofthe hydropow erand nuclearpower and im portoilfor the south area, the construction oftherm opow er stations burning coal and the railw ay line for coaltransportfrom north area.

Cite this article

LIU Yi . Measuresfor Problem sofEnergy Issuesand Supply in China’sCoastalRegion[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1999 , 54(6) : 509 -517 . DOI: 10.11821/xb199906004

