  • Guangzhou Institute of Geography

Received date: 1987-04-01

  Online published: 1989-01-15


Zhuhai, just like Shenzhen, is a new city developing rapidly. It was originally a small fishing village on the Pearl River mouth. Since it was established as a spepcial economic zone in 1980, its geographic advantages of connecting with Macao and Hong Kong has been obvious and its manufacturing industry and tourism industry have been rapidly developing. A new outlook has appeared for the city.For its further development, industry and export should be taken as its major economic structure. To fulfill this purpose, chief measures are: to strive to develop light manufacture, especially food processing and electronic industry; to develop a local special tourism by utilizing its beautiful coastal environment and the location adjacent to Macao and Hong Kong; to use its more than 20,000 hectare tidal flat to set up agricultural export bases; to build the highway between Guangzhou and Zhuhai into a speedway, a medium-sized international airport shared by both Zhuhai and Macao as well as a dock.The relationship between Zhuhai and Macao must be well treated. Cooperation of them should cover on industry, commerce, tourism as well as other aspacts. They should cooperate to construct the infrastructures such as water supply, airport, deepwater harbour, speedway, and even jointly to exploit Wanzai district.

Cite this article

Cai Renqun . A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ZHUHAI CITY[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1989 , 44(1) : 77 -85 . DOI: 10.11821/xb198901010

