  • Department of Geography, Northeast Normal University

Online published: 1986-01-15


Landscape eeology is an inter-diseiplinary science between physical geography and eeology, and it is a synthetic subject related to many other subjects. Since C. Troll presented the concept of landscape ecology in 1939, it has been developed widely in many countries of the world. Now the coneept of landscape ecology has become an important theoretical bacis of land ecoevaluation and ecodeviee. It has also great significance in the study of environmental management and territorial planning.The land ecoevaluation is an evaluation on the basis of ecological land classification and it emphasizes evaluation of ecological value and function of land. It contributes to landscape ecodevice and landscape ecologieal architecture. Eeoevaluation of land includes land evaluation, and it should emphasize: 1. the comparison of land physical productive capability with land practical productive forces; 2.1 and physical structure and function, land use structure and coordinate degree of land function; 3. the effect of human action on ecolandseape and its developmental tendency.The idea of land ecodevice is based on the human understanding of physical rules, then to apply current wisdom and technology consciously to the "symibiosis" of mau and nature and to create an ideal human living environmen. which conforms with physical rules and can produce more material wealth. For example, to establish a wood-grass-farmland complex ecosystem in the flat sandy areas of temperate subhumid region; to establish a square farmland-net wood complex ecosystem in the plain area of temperate sub-humid region; both of them are examples of landscape ecological arehitecture which are designed by the application of the "symbiosis" of man and nature.

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Jing Guihe . ECOEVALUATION AND ECODEVICE OF LAND[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1986 , 41(1) : 1 -7 . DOI: 10.11821/xb198601001

