  • Insiitutc of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences end State Planning Commistion of the Peofle’t Republic ofChina

Online published: 1987-07-15


This paper described the contents and the theoretical and realistic importance of compromising analysis. The conceptual pattern and general mathematical model (MAOM) are established here. The conceptual pattern consists of three blocks, or decomposing block which is composed of area-decomposing and objective-decomposing, available water resources block which is closely related to interior structural analysis of regional water resources, and compromising analysis block. The aim of decomposion is to transfer the problems which are very complicated or even unsolved into a lot of sub-problems which can be solved. The main tasks of compromising analysis block are to develop the mathematical model and determine the appropriate compromising methods, and to give the use structure of regional water resourcess studied. The general mathematical model of compromising analysis is set up in the third part, which consists of the analysis of development objectives and constraints. The model is a multiarea-multiobjective planning model. Compromising program is one of the effective methods used to solve the model, which is based on the best geometric notion. Finally, according to the principles of compromising analysis described, we made a study of the distribution of Changji Prefeture’s water resources of Xingjiang Uygur Autonomous Regions, and got its near-future and long-range rational use structure of water resources by applying goal programming method to solve the mathematical model.

Cite this article

Zhou Chenghu, Tang Qicheng . COMPROMISING ANALYSIS OF REGIONAL WATER RESOURCES[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1987 , 42(3) : 260 -268 . DOI: 10.11821/xb198703008

