  • Department of Meteorology, Nanjing University

Online published: 1983-07-15


Using aerological data observed twice daily in the period of June-August 1979, the ave-rage zonal and meridional components of total, advective, and eddy transfer of water vapour at six stations surrounding the Huaihe river basin at earth’s surface, 850,700, 500,400, and 300 mb levels are computed. It shows that on the level where the maximum of zonal com-ponent of total transfer occurs higher than that of meridional component, vertically integra-ted transfers of zonal component are all eastward and those of meridional component are all northward. The intensity of the zonal components of the eastern part is stronger than that of the western stations, and the intensity of the meridional component over the southelrn part is stronger than that of the northern station, indicating the zonal divergence and meri-dional convergence.Calculation of water vapour flux divergence shows that there is water vapour sink over the Huaihe river basin in Summer, vertical integrated water vapour flux divergence compu-ted seperately by total transfer and advective transfer and indicates that both has the same Fign but the value of the latter is by 67 percent larger than the former. Therefore, using average data of wind and humidity to calculate water vapour flux convergence may lead to overestimation.The diurnal variation of water vapour transfer is evident, and it is caused mainly by the diurnal variation of wind. There is large difference in the calculating of vertically integ-rated water vapour flux divergence by the data of 0000 and 1200 GMT. Therefore, in ca Iculating water vapour transfer we must use daily average observations data.

Cite this article

Wang De-han . WATER VAPOUR TRANSFER OVER HUAI HE RIVER BASIN IN SUMMER[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1983 , 38(3) : 284 -391 . DOI: 10.11821/xb198303008

