  • Peking Eniversity

Online published: 1981-04-15


Neotectonic movements are very active in China, but before liberation, they wereonly occasionally noticed by some scholars. It was only after liberation when the studyof neotectonics was integrated with construction works, that it made a quick progress, thechief achievements in this field of study are as follows: 1) Research the relations bet-ween neotectonics and the evolution of landforms; 2) Investigations of active faults andfolds; 3) Enquiry into the relations between neotectonics and deep-seated structuresin the earth crust; 4) Research on the stress field of neoteetonics; 5) Study of the re-lations between neotectonics and earthquakes; 6) Application of new techniques andmethods in the study of neotectonics.Hereafter the study of neotectonics in China will have the following trends:1) The study will proceed from the shallower part of the earth crust to the deeper part, asa result the neotectonic phenomena and the origin of mega-struetural-landforms will bebetter elucidated; 2) The study will extend from the time span Plio-pleistocene to Ho-locene; 3) The application of new techniques and methods will be much enhanced, soas to transform the nature of study from qualitative to quantitative; 4) More attentionwill be paid to the study of horizontal movements in addition to vertical movements; 5)A more wide-spread monitoring of the active faults will be undertaken, this will lead toprediction of future fault activities; 6) The study of the history of neotectonic move-ments will also be enhanced; 7) A more comprehensive study of the quaternarytectonic stress field will be launched.

Cite this article

Wang Xailiang, Yang Jingchun . NEOTECTONICS STUDY IN CHINAREVIEW AND PROSPECTS[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1981 , 36(2) : 135 -142 . DOI: 10.11821/xb198102002

