A Relative Relief Map of Fukien, China

  • National University of Nanking

Online published: 1950-01-15


The relative relief map of Fukien is .constructed according to the method devised by Joseph Partsch in 1911.The basic data are derived from 1:50,000 topographic maps published by the Ordnance Survey of China from 1934 to 1940. The topographic maps are divided into uniforms squares, measuring 1.8 to 1.83km. long in each side, and 2.5km. long in diagonal distance. Ih each square, the difference of altitude between the highest and lowest point is counted. Altoge-ther, 15,590 such squares are measured. They form the basis for constructing the relative relief map which covers an area of 40,857sq.km.. The relative ielief map gives a clear expression of the topographical char-acteristics of Eastern Fukien. Except along the coast, where narrow plains are usually found, the whole region is very mountainous with great relief energy and with practically not a single flat plain which has an area of 3.3sq.km二In our map, the relative relief of Eastern Fukien is divided in six grades, i.e., 0-20m., 20-100m., 100-200m., 200-300m., 300一500m., and over 500m..

Cite this article

Wan-Ru Tsao . A Relative Relief Map of Fukien, China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1950 , 16(1) : 97 -110 . DOI: 10.11821/xb195001005

