South China Peninsula and Taiping Sea.... A Study in Geographical Nomenclature

  • Supervisory Yuan

Online published: 1947-06-15


The importance of propel geographical names has long been recognized by Chinese writers, for Confucius said as early as three thousand years ago in his classics that improper naming would result in incorrect thinking. Therefore a proper renaming of certain geographical areas is a prerequisite to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding and dangerous implications. The Indo-China peninsula is 'a great peninsula jetting out from South China into the Indian and Pacific Ocean. The name was given early in the nineteenth century by Malte Brun, a French scholar, indicating its location between China and India. As the Europeans came to Eastern Asia from the West, they arrive first in India, then in Indo-China and, from their bases in India, the peninsula was also known as Hinter-India peninsula because of its position behind India. However, since the peninsula is in many respects much more intimately related to China than to India, its present name, Indo-China or Hinter-India, appears in-adequate for showing its real geographical significance. It is proposed therefore that the peninsula be re-named South China peninsula.

Cite this article

Yiu-Jen Y? . South China Peninsula and Taiping Sea.... A Study in Geographical Nomenclature[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1947 , 14(2) : 57 -57 . DOI: 10.11821/xb194702007

