  • 1. Yunnan Institute of Geography, Kunming 650223;
    2. The University of Memphis, TN 38152, USA

Received date: 1998-07-20

  Revised date: 1998-10-25

  Online published: 1999-12-15

Supported by

Supported by the key Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.49631020; Supported by the key Project of the Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan, No.96D012Z


China ranks in among front row countries in the world in terms of number of international rivers and itswater resources quantity. Every year, about 4 000 x 108 m3 run-off goes out of China. The reasonable alloca-tion and equitable utilization of this portion of water resources among China and the lower riparian countrieswill have impacts to the regional cooperation between China and the fifteen neighboring countries as well asthe sustainable development of the nearly one third territory of China.In order to deal with the allocation of international water resources, there are usually three lawful docu-ments to be needed; (1) signing the agreement which certifies the water rights and principles of water alloca-tion; (2) institutions for implementation and monitoring; (3) the technological plans of water allocation (thetechnique agreement) .When we allocate the international water resources, we usually coordinate the conflicts of four major ob-jects of social, economic, environmental and safety. And also, we should fully take account of three majorfactors; (l) the present purposes of water uses; (2) the future purposes of water uses; (3) the priorities ofwater uses.there are often three models of international water allocation; (1) the global allocation; (2) the projectallocation; (3) the integrated basin plan allocation.The first one is to allocate all water resources certified in river basin to all riparian countries according totheir acceptable rules.The second one is to allocate the water resources, which is developed and controlled by a special pro-ject, to those parties related to the project without taking account of the basin - wide comprehensive planningand its global water allocation, The last one is that the treaty parties of river basin area allocate the water re-sources certified in the development planning among them.Which one of these allocation models is the best and should be chosen in practice? It depends on thestatus of development and management of a river, the relationship between riparian countries, and the cooper-ative levels of them. According to the trend of integrated development and coordinated management of riversystem, and for the purposes of sustainable utilization of water resources and the conservation of river’ s eco-logical system, the integrated basin plan allocation model is the best choice.

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He Daming, Hsiang - te Kung, Gou Junhua . STUDY ON ALLOCATION MODELS OF WATER RESOURCES IN INTERNATIONAL RIVERS[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1999 , 54(s1) : 47 -54 . DOI: 10.11821/xb1999S1007

