Comprehensive Measurement and Spatial Distinction of Input-output Efficiency of Urban Agglomerations in China

  • 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Received date: 2010-03-25

  Revised date: 2010-12-20

  Online published: 2011-08-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40971101; National Key Technology R&D Program during the 11th Five-year Plan Period, No.2006BAJ14B03, No.2006BAJ14B03; Key Knowledge Innovation Project of the CAS, No. KZCX2-YW-321-05


Urban agglomerations in China which perform a vital role in distribution of productive forces are the most dynamic and potential core area in future economic development, and are the key and optimized development districts in the division of main-function zones. However, while driving up rapid economic growth of urban agglomerations, high-intensity interaction caused by high-density aggregation also contributed to high-risk threats to natural environment. How do we assess the effect of high-density urban agglomerations? Accordingly, from the perspective of input and output efficiency, this paper established input and output efficiency indicator system of urban agglomerations, using CRS model, VRS model and Bootstrap-DEA, and measured the changing trend and spatial differentiation of input and output efficiency of urban agglomerations in China comprehensively. Results showed that input and output efficiency of urban agglomerations in China is low and slipping. In 2002 and 2007, comprehensive input and output efficiency of urban agglomerations in China was respectively 0.853 and 0.820, which dropped by an average of 0.033. Similarly, technical and scale efficiency of urban agglomerations in China is low and slipping; Input and output efficiency of urban agglomerations in China modified by Bootstrap-DEA model is lower but more reliable and effective. Input and output efficiency of urban agglomerations decreases gradually from the eastern region to the central and western regions of China. In 2002 and 2007, comprehensive input and output efficiency, technical efficiency and scale efficiency of urban agglomerations in eastern and central regions were higher than those in the western region, which was correlated with the regional economic development pattern in China. Otherwise, technical and production efficiency of urban agglomerations also decreases gradually from the eastern to the central and western regions. This study aims to provide a quantitative basis for assessing the effect of high-density urban agglomerations in China, and further lay a solid foundation for decision-making of improving input and output and spatial agglomeration efficiency of urban agglomerations in China.

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FANG Chuanglin, GUAN Xingliang . Comprehensive Measurement and Spatial Distinction of Input-output Efficiency of Urban Agglomerations in China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011 , 66(8) : 1011 -1022 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201108001


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