The Spatial Structure and Mental Image of Regional Development in Hubei Province

  • Research Institute of Sustainable Development, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China

Received date: 2010-09-17

  Revised date: 2011-04-26

  Online published: 2011-08-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40471036; Social Science Foundation of Hubei Province, No.2010058


Hubei province is an important fulcrum for the rise of Central China, but the play of fulcrum role depends on the strategic choice of its spatial structure. Applying the growth pole theory, point axis system theory, grade development theory and city constellation theory, we analyzed the spatial structure of Hubei province, and the research indicates that, the A-shaped point-axis spatial frame, which connects five polar cities of Wuhan, Yichang, Xiangyang, Jingmen and Yichang and takes the line of Wuhan-Xiangyang-Shiyan as its upper axis, Wuhan-Yichang-Enshi as its lower axis, and Xiangyang-Jingmen-Yichang as its vertical axis, is the best spatial structure for the regional development in this province. Using statistical data, we analyzed the major economic and social total quantity and density indicators in Hubei in 2008, and found that, regions along the "A-shaped point-axis structure" are the essence of social and economic development in Hubei, and the gradient variations between polar cities along "A-shaped point-axis structure" reflect the variations among the eastern, central and western parts of Hubei. Using "A-shaped point-axis structure" to coordinate the regional development in Hubei in the future, the static spatial mental image is "A-shaped frame, Hubei's constellation" and "A-shaped frame, Hubei's backbone"; the dynamic spatial mental image is "ladder extending west, gradient advancing"; the overall spatial mental image is "three wheels driving, one arrow taking off".

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GONG Shengsheng, ZHOU Jun, ZHANG Tao . The Spatial Structure and Mental Image of Regional Development in Hubei Province[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011 , 66(8) : 1101 -1110 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201108009


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