Evaluation of the Ecological Security of Island Tourist Destination and Island Tourist Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Zhoushan Islands

  • 1. International Business College, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, Shandong, China;
    2. The Institute of Marine Economics, Social Academy of Shandong, Qingdao 266071, Shandong, China;
    3. Department of Tourism, School of Management, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266071, Shandong, China

Received date: 2010-07-09

  Revised date: 2011-05-10

  Online published: 2011-06-20

Supported by

National Social Science Foundation of China, No.08BJY126; National Research Projects in Non-profit Industries, No.200805082; No.200901075


Island tourist has become a pillar industry in many island areas, and island tourist sustainable development is the current focus of research in this area. On the basis of the concept on the regional rigid ecological footprint and the regional elastic ecological footprint, the models of general ecological security coefficient (GESC) of island tourism destination and special ecological security coefficient (SESC) of island tourism destination were constructed in this paper, and then the assessment framework and judgment criterion were proposed on the ecological security of island tourist destination (ESITD) and island tourist sustainable development (ITSD). Furthermore, based on the idea of ecological footprint, the models of island tourist ecological footprint were established. Finally, the paper conducts an empirical analysis of Zhoushan Islands (Zhoushan Islands are the only city established on a group of islands in China. It has special sea and mountain scenes, including two national level scenic spots Mount Putuo and Shengsi Archipelago, two provincial level scenic spots Daishan Island and Taohua Island and other 1000 scenic spots) in the base year 2008, which applies the models, the framework, and the criterion. Some results can be obtained as follows. (1) The GESC of island tourism destination is 0.6816, and the ecological deficit is 287849.0216 ha, with ecological carrying capacity being 46.71%, indicating that the Zhoushan Islands have reached the state of ecological insecurity and non-sustainable development. (2) The SESC of island tourism destination is 0.9806, and the ecological deficit is 12189.2343 ha, with ecological carrying capacity being 1.98%, showing that the Zhoushan Islands have reached the state of endangering ecological security and endangering sustainable development. (3) The ESITD and ITSD of Zhoushan Islands belong to Type VI.

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XIAO Jianhong, YU Qingdong, LIU Kang, CHEN Dongjing, CHEN Juan, XIAO Jiangnan . Evaluation of the Ecological Security of Island Tourist Destination and Island Tourist Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Zhoushan Islands[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011 , 66(6) : 842 -852 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201106013


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