The Study of Marine Terraces on Matsu Islands

  • 1. Department of History and Geography & Center Teacher Education and Career Guidance, Taipei Municipal University of Education, Taipei 10048, China;
    2. Matsu Beigan Chung Shan Junior High School, Lianjiang County 21042, Taiwan, China

Received date: 2010-08-25

  Revised date: 2011-01-20

  Online published: 2011-03-20


The tectonic movements of Pingtan-Dongshan fold belt and Changleh-Zhao'an fault zone occurred in late Jurassic. Due to the influence of tectonic movement and magmatic activities, formed a series of islands off the coast of southeast China including the Matsu Islands. The results show that the Matsu Islands have 9 marine terraces, with heights of 0-10 m, 20-38 m, 40-56 m, 58-78 m, 80-97 m, 100-128 m, 142-160 m, 172-182 m and 238-248 m. Based on the relationship of late Pleistocene marine terraces sequence and uplift rate base map, we have estimated formation age of various marine terraces, i.e., 6 ka BP, 46 ka BP, 55 ka BP, 76 ka BP, 79 ka BP, 94 ka BP, 105 ka BP, 119 ka BP and 175 ka BP. The terraces formed in Pleistocene except the first step in Pliocene. The basement average uplift rate is estimated to be 1.6 mm/a after we compared the height and spacing of marine terraces on the Matsu Islands.

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TUNG Terhuei, WANG Huati, TENG Kouhsiung . The Study of Marine Terraces on Matsu Islands[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011 , 66(3) : 340 -347 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201103006


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