Lop Nor And Lop Desert

  • Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica

Online published: 1936-01-15


In the Sino-Swedish Expedition (1929-1933) and the Highway Expedition of Chinese Ministry of Railways (1933-1935) both under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin, the writer had the chance to visit this region twice, once with Dr. Nils G. Horner from Tunghwang westwards by camels and the other with Dr. Hedin eastwards from Karakum by canoes.The journey from east was quite an adventurous one by travelling over the salt crust of the ancient Lop sea-bed in 14(1/2) days without water or grazing. Dr. Horner and the writer collaborated in making Topographical, Geographical and Geological surveys of the present Lop nor and its delta regions, nearly 4 months without meeting any human beings.

Cite this article

Parker C. Chen . Lop Nor And Lop Desert[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1936 , 3(1) : 19 -49 . DOI: 10.11821/xb193601002

