Resarch on Temporal Visualization of Multi-dimensional Mapping

  • Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2001-06-01

  Revised date: 2001-08-12

  Online published: 2001-12-25


The spatial-temporal map visualization is a subset of the research of multi-dimensional dynamical map visualization. It has its specialty because of the temporal relativity. This paper discusses the representative spatio-temporal data structure, such as snapshot and revision model, 3D & 4D models, instance based spatio-temporal data model, etc., and then summarizes and concludes the spatio-temporal changes, including its appearing and disappearing, periodical & gradual changes, as well as moving in the space. Furthermore, the authors bring forward the spatial-temporal mapping methods, including the raster image based map animation, display of point feature changes, linear feature changing and moving, and also the moving and continuous changes of area features, and carries them out in the National Natural Electronic Atlas. Furthermore, this paper designs some spatio-temporal-change-related dynamical interactive tools and dynamical symbols.

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CHEN Hua-bin, LI Bo-nan, LIAO Ke, CHI Tian-he, QI Qing-wen . Resarch on Temporal Visualization of Multi-dimensional Mapping[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2001 , 56(7s) : 43 -48 . DOI: 10.11821/xb20017s007


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