Analysis on Yellow River Surface Runoff Consumption

  • 1. Bureau of Hydrology, Yellow River Conservancy Commission, Zhengzhou 450004, China;
    2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    3. State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Waterpower Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

Received date: 2004-06-30

  Revised date: 2004-09-28

  Online published: 2005-01-25

Supported by

Major State Basic Research Development Program of China, No.G19990436; National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.50239050


Based on the summarization of annual surface runoff loss processes from 1956 to 2000, and current status of the surface runoff loss mechanisms of the large irrigated areas such as Ningxia in the upper, Guanzhong in the middle and irrigated area in the lower Yellow River, this paper analyzes the characteristics of the structural change in the basin runoff loss of the Yellow River, discusses the concept of the structural adjustment of runoff utilization quantity of the Yellow River, and explains the feasibility of putting it into practice. The analysis of the relationships among water supply, water utilization, water loss and water drainage will have much meaning in balancing supply-demand of water resources and the superior allocation scheme of water resource and so on. In addition, the basic data used in this paper to calculate the surface runoff loss etc. are the same as the data used for survey and assessment of water resources in the Yellow River Basin from 1956 to 2000.

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ZHANG Xuecheng, LIU Changming, LI Danying . Analysis on Yellow River Surface Runoff Consumption[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2005 , 60(1) : 79 -86 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200501009


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