Contemporary Sedimentation Rates on Salt Marshes at Wanggang, Jiangsu, China
Received date: 2004-08-05
Revised date: 2004-10-14
Online published: 2005-01-25
Supported by
The key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40231010; National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40476041; Grants from the Ministry of Education Foundation for Ph.D. Program, No.20020284007
The total area of coastal wetlands exceeds 5000 km2 in Jiangsu Province, China, but it has been decreasing rapidly as a result of intense reclamation activities. Two types of plants, Spartina angelica and Spartina alterniflora, were introduced successively into the Jiangsu coast, in order to protect the coastline from erosion and to increase the accumulation rate. 210Pb and 137Cs analyses were carried out for sediment samples from the salt marshes of Wangang, to derive the sedimentation rate, on the basis of an evaluation of the background values and factors affecting the enrichment of 210Pb. Analysis of a typical sediment column of the tidal flat shows that the absorption of 210Pb in the silt-dominated sediment is weak. Influences of storm events, bioturbation, material sources and analytical error also have an effect. As a result, some abnormal data points are present. These data were removed before the calculation of the sedimentation rate. The sedimentation rate was 3.3 cm a-1 on average. Based upon analysis of the 137Cs dating, the rate since 1963 was 3.1 cm a-1 on average, similar to the data by 210Pb dating and from previous studies.
Key words: salt marshes; sedimentation rates; 210Pb and 137Cs dating; Spartina; Jiangsu coast
WANG Aijun, GAO Shu, JIA Jianjun, PAN Shaoming . Contemporary Sedimentation Rates on Salt Marshes at Wanggang, Jiangsu, China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2005 , 60(1) : 61 -70 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200501007
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