Scaling Transformation of Remote Sensing Digital Image with Multiple Resolutions from Different Sensors

  • 1. Hokkaido Institute of Environmental Sciences, Sapporo 060-0819, Japan;
    2. Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    3. National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba 305-8506, Japan;
    4. Rakuno Gakuen University, Ebetsu 069-8501, Japan

Received date: 2003-10-12

  Revised date: 2003-11-09

  Online published: 2004-01-25

Supported by

Project of the Science & Technology Society of Hokkaido, Japan, No.03-01-03 103-021017


In order to acquire high resolution, data fusion technique can be used to combine multiple data from different sensors. This study practices two methods of data fusion: IHS transformation method and wavelet-based method. The result showed that IHS transformation method was a relatively simple one to be used, but it can not remain all information except for three bands of RGB. However, the wavelet-based method is relatively complicated and it can get high resolution images in all bands. As an approach to scale down the resolution of images, a so-called pixel level data scaring model was used in this study. Comparisons were made from data acquired by four multi-spectral sensors (Landsat/ETM+, Terra/ASTER, Terra/MODIS, and NOAA/AVHRR) over Kushiro Marsh in Hokkaido, Japan, on September 26, 2001. To reveal the effect of the sensors' spatial resolution, simulated data are generated from the higher spatial resolution (small size pixel) data to match the lower spatial resolution (larger size pixel) data. The result shows that the Terra/ASTER images can be effectively down-scaled to the resolution of Landsat/ETM+. However, it is rarely effective to scale down both Landsat/ETM+ and Terra/ASTER images to the resolution of MODIS and AVHRR.

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BUHE Aosier, MA Jianwen, WANG Qinxue, KANEKO Masami, FUKUYAMA Ryuji . Scaling Transformation of Remote Sensing Digital Image with Multiple Resolutions from Different Sensors[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004 , 59(1) : 101 -110 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200401013


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