Study on Cooperative Constraint Regionalization of Water Environment and the Guidance for Industrial Distribution:A Case Study of Jiangsu Province

  • Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China

Received date: 2009-09-15

  Revised date: 2010-02-03

  Online published: 2010-07-20

Supported by

Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.KZCY2-YW-339;National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.70703033


Along with the rapid economic and social development in the developed areas in China, the water environment has been continuously deteriorated by the increasing amount of water pollutant discharge. Thus, water environment has already become a constraint factor to regional development. In order to coordinate the relationship between economic development and water environment, many countries have attempted water environmental function zoning so as to provide a scientific basis for the basin management. However, those researches have ignored the spatial relation between water and land area, or how the bearing capacity of water environment constrains industrial distribution. Therefore, the applied index systems concern environmental factors without considering the constraints brought by human activity to the water environment. This paper discusses the methods of cooperative constraint regionalization of water environment which is related to both the sensitivity and the pressure of water environment, including how to divide the assessed units, and how to choose and manage the assessed elements etc. Then, as a case study, Jiangsu Province is divided into four types by the method of two-dimensional quadrant analysis, namely, high-pressure and high-sensitivity area, high-pressure and low-sensitivity area, low-pressure and high-sensitivity area, and low-pressure and low-sensitivity area. Finally, this paper presents the scheme of industrial distribution adjustment, which provides a scientific basis for making different industrial policies as well as harmonizing the industrial development and the bearing capacity of water environment.

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SUN Wei, CHEN Wen, CHEN Cheng . Study on Cooperative Constraint Regionalization of Water Environment and the Guidance for Industrial Distribution:A Case Study of Jiangsu Province[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010 , 65(7) : 819 -827 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201007006


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