Laws of Soil Vertical Variations on Southern Slope of Funiu Mt.: Simultaneous Study on North Boundary of Subtropical Zone

  • College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China

Received date: 2004-02-03

  Revised date: 2004-05-25

  Online published: 2004-11-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.49070028


The vertical variations of soil compositions, properties, types according to genetic classification and taxonomic classification, and the north boundary of subtropical zone on the southern slope of Funiu Mountain were discussed in this paper based on soil survey in field and soil physical and chemical analysis in laboratory. There were some vertical varying laws of soil compositions and properties on the southern slope of Funiu Mountain. (1) The content of fulvic acid in soil humus exceeds that of humic acid in all profiles of soil (HA/FA<1). The ratios of HA/FA in surface horizons are rising from foot to top of the mountain. The degree of humification in soil humic acid at 900 m asl is the lowest. (2) Along the altitude from foot to top of the mountain, both soil pH and base saturation percentage go down first, then go up. (3) Soils below 900 m asl have remarkable clayification horizon, argic horizon appears in each soil profile, and soils above 900 m asl have no clayification and argic horizons. (4) All of soils have higher degree of weathering and ferrallitization, average migration coefficients (Kmx) of most oxides and the values of β in all of soil bodies are below 1, the values of "Saf" are smaller than 5.06, the contents of Fed in illuvial horizons are higher than 20 g·kg-1, the percentage of Fed/Fet in illuvial horizons is higher than 40%, and many kinds of ferromanganese (concretion and coating) appear in all soil bodies below 900 m asl. But for soils with lower degree of weathering, no ferrallitization takes place, and no ferromanganese appears in all soil bodies above 900 m asl. The north boundary of subtropical zone on south slope of Funiu Mountain is in the area between S3 and S4, ranging from 900 m to 1000 m, the average height of which is at 950 m above sea level.

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MA Jianhua . Laws of Soil Vertical Variations on Southern Slope of Funiu Mt.: Simultaneous Study on North Boundary of Subtropical Zone[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004 , 59(6) : 998 -1011 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200406024


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