Realization and Application of Yangtze Estuary Tidal Wetlands Environmental Information System

  • Key Laboratory of Geo-information Science of the Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Received date: 2004-06-11

  Revised date: 2004-10-17

  Online published: 2004-11-25

Supported by

National Nature Science Foundation of China, No. 40131020; No.40173030; Shanghai Science Committee and Environmental Bureau Program; Shanghai Basic Science Research Key Program, No.02DJ14029; Foundation for the Excellent Youth Teacher by the Ministry of Education


Yangtze Estuary Tidal Wetlands Environmental Information System (YETWEIS) is a comprehensive software system for environmental management and decision making in tidal wetlands of the Yangtze estuary. This software system was based on MapObjects COM technology, Data Mining technology, mathematics modeling method and Visual Basic language. It has many functions such as displaying, editing, querying, searching, spatial statistics and analysis, special decision map compiling, environmental qualitative evaluating. This paper outlined the system structure, implementation techniques, and facilities of YETWEIS at first. Then, it described the core modules of the software system--the special decision map compiling module and environmental qualitative evaluating model module in detail. At the same time it thoroughly discussed the environmental qualitative evaluation method, the method of calculating pollution indexes quality and environmental qualitative synthetic evaluation method based on information entropy. Finally, by using YETWEIS, this paper analyzed the heavy metal and persistent organic pollutants spatial distribution characteristics of the Yangtze estuary tidal wetlands in 2002, and provided a system assessment of Yangtze estuary environmental quality in 2003.

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WANG Jun, XU Shiyuan, CHEN Zhenlou, BI Chunjuan . Realization and Application of Yangtze Estuary Tidal Wetlands Environmental Information System[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004 , 59(6) : 927 -937 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200406016






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