Comparison of Palaeoclimatic Oscillations in Asian and African Monsoon Areas since 40 kaBP and Pan-lake Period of Tibetan Plateau

  • 1. Institute of Environmental Evolution of Urban and Recources Department of Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;
    2. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China

Received date: 2004-05-19

  Revised date: 2004-08-20

  Online published: 2004-11-25

Supported by

Knowledge Innovation Project of CAS, No.CXNIGLAS-A01-2; No.KZCX2-SW-118


Based on a literature survey of 22 lacustrine sediment records from the Tibetan Plateau, its northern adjacent region--Xinjiang, and equatorial Africa and northern African area, and 18 loess-palaeosoil profiles from the Loess Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau, the paper analyzes palaeocliamtic oscillations in Asian and African monsoon areas since 40 kaBP. The result indicates that lakes status records and loess-plaeosoil records showed regionally similar patterns of climate changes over the last 40 ka in Chinese monsoon areas and African monsoon area. These areas, at 40-24 kaBP and 12-4 kaBP respectively, corresponding with high insolation of precessional cycle at summer half year, experienced moist climate regime. In the Tibetan Plateau and its northern neighbor, Xinjiang area, at 40-24 kaBP, with highest lake level, the greatest lake area and several lakes groups came into being for lake water overfall between adjacent catchments over the last 40 ka, moister than 12-4 kaBP, which was called by many pioneer research workers of the Tibetan Plateau, the pan-lakes regime. However, in the Loess Plateau and African monsoon region, there occurred a converse evolution of climate change: it was wetter at 12-4.0 kaBP than 40-24 kaBP with the culmination of wetter condition appeared at 10-6.0 kaBP. 40-24 kaBP, a particular period for the Tibetan Plateau, for high insolation in summer over the Indian Ocean, the Indian monsoon was very strong and higher sea surface temperature occurred on the West Indian Ocean.

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JIA Yulian, SHI Yafeng, MA Chunmei, SHEN Hongyuan, WU Jinglu . Comparison of Palaeoclimatic Oscillations in Asian and African Monsoon Areas since 40 kaBP and Pan-lake Period of Tibetan Plateau[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004 , 59(6) : 829 -840 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200406004


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