The Saptial Pattern and Its Evolution Mechanism of Urban Office Buildings in the Transition Period
Received date: 2009-08-17
Revised date: 2010-04-24
Online published: 2010-08-20
Supported by
National Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs Funded by Ministry of Science & Technology of China, No.2006BAJ11B03; the Postdoctor Science Foundation of China, No.20080430210
With the development of modern service industry and information economy in the transformation period, economy of producer service has gradually become one of the symbols of urban civilization and economic development. And it has exerted a significant impact on urban spatial structure. Making use of spatial density analysis, location entropy and spatial autocorrelation analysis, this paper analyzes the spatial distribution characteristics of office buildings in Hangzhou and their revolution mechanism. The result shows that the spatial density of the office buildings gradually decreases from center to periphery, and it also presents a spatial pattern of multi-center clustering. The office space of the office buildings shows a significant difference between the inner district and the outer district. And the density of office buildings distribution is higher in the inner district than that in the outer district, but the construction intensity shows the opposite feature. The hierarchical structure of the capacity size is not reasonable, which is mainly reflected in the insufficient development scale of third-level districts; the dependence industries show more discrete, and the producer services shows more concentrated; the location entropy of internal corporations in the office buildings show a significant spatial difference, this means that the office buildings is characterized by regional specialization; the mature districts generally have high integrated service capacity, while the function pattern of developing districts show singleness. Overall, politics, economy and micro-enterprises and various elements, through the combined effect of cross-cutting mechanism, effectively promoted the spatial evolution process of office buildings and producer services in the city. And the main mechanism significantly is reflected in the transformation of urban economy, suburbanization, urban spatial restructuring, policy and government action.
WU Yizhou, WU Cifang, BEI Hanlu . The Saptial Pattern and Its Evolution Mechanism of Urban Office Buildings in the Transition Period[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010 , 65(8) : 973 -982 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201008008
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