Some Key Issues Concerning Development of Geographical Science in China

  • Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2002-11-26

  Revised date: 2002-12-11

  Online published: 2003-01-25


In the past 20 years, outstanding progress has been made in the development of China's geographical science which consists of both applied aspect and talents training. It also played an essential role in the nation's major research projects. There were more than 200,000 people engaging in geographical education and research in institutions, universities and colleges as well as middle schools in China in 2002. There were 565 professors and 1,001 associate professors working in the major 42 geographical institutions, of which 8 have the power to confer Ph.D degree of primary disciplines and 65 to confer Ph.D degree of secondary disciplines. In the 42 institutions, there are 340 doctoral tutors. Since the second half of 1999, 586 PhD students and 1,579 master students have graduated. Some 1,006 PhD students and 2,563 master students were enrolled in the academic year of 2001-2002. Since 1999, the following projects have been managed: one national major project, and 20 key projects under the National Natural Science Foundation of China; 8 for National 863 Program; 6 special topics and 13 projects for National Brainstorm Program; 4 projects and 8 subjects for National 973 Program; foundation items for outstanding youth and 16 excellent research groups supported by foundations; one major knowledge innovation project and 7 key projects of CAS. In spite of the achievements mentioned above, certain fields in geographical research also face challenges and opportunities. In light with the existing problems, this paper discusses the development direction of the geographical sciences in the 21st century and puts forward suggestions on strengthening theoretical research and integrated research of geography.

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LU Dadao . Some Key Issues Concerning Development of Geographical Science in China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003 , 58(1) : 3 -8 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200301001


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