Evaluation Method of Water Quality Recoverability and Application to the Yellow River

  • Institute of Environmental Sciences, Beijing Normal University / State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Beijing 100875, China

Received date: 2002-08-15

  Revised date: 2002-11-01

  Online published: 2003-05-25

Supported by

National Key Project for Basic Science Program, No.G19999043605


The evaluation of water quality recoverability is the basis for the realization of sustainable usage of water resources. In this research project, the criteria and method for the assessment of water quality recoverability have been set up based on the analyses of mechanism of water quality recovery. Water quality recoverability in the mainstream of the Yellow River has been evaluated through the analyses of pollutant discharge and the three main pollutant concentrations including BOD, NH4+-N and volatile phenol in river water. The results show that the water quality recoverability is weak in the mainstream of the Yellow River except that it is moderate in the section of Tongguan-Sanmenxia. The contribution of physical dilution to the water quality recoverability is relatively small; and water quality recoverability is remarkably and positively correlated to the silt content in river water and positively correlated to water temperature to some extent. The weak recoverability of water quality in the mainstream of the Yellow River manifests that the environmental function is also weak. Yet the pollutant discharge to the mainstream of the Yellow River is beyond the water quality recoverability, which leads to the deterioration of water quality and exerts negative effects on sustainable utilization of water resources.

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XIA Xinghui, SHEN Zhenyao, YANG Zhifeng . Evaluation Method of Water Quality Recoverability and Application to the Yellow River[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003 , 58(3) : 458 -463 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200303016


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