A Study on the Process, Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Beijing's Hi-Tech Industrial Agglomeration

  • Department of Urban and Regional Management, School of Government, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

Received date: 2003-05-23

  Revised date: 2003-08-20

  Online published: 2003-11-25

Supported by

National Soft Science Research Project No.Z00029;Beijing's Soft Science Research Project No.H013510060112


Beijing has become one of the most important hi-tech industrial agglomeration areas of China now. Beijing's hi-tech industrial agglomeration has its particular developing process and characteristics. Based on the European and American industrial agglomeration theories, using statistics data, and through questionnaire investigation and enterprise interview, this paper summarizes the process and characteristics of Beijing's hi-tech industrial agglomeration, and also analyzes its industrial types, spatial evolvement process, driving power, driving factors of the cluster, supporting system, developing performance and other important influencing factors. Besides, based on the Diamond Theory of Michael Porter, the paper summarizes the factors influencing Beijing's hi-tech industrial agglomeration and analyses the interaction among them. The particular historic background and original status decides the formation of Beijing's hi-tech industrial agglomeration in some way. While, during the development of Beijing's hi-tech industrial agglomeration, policies and foreign investment play key roles. Policies helping build cooperative network among the government, enterprises and research institutes and regional innovation environment accelerate the development of Beijing's hi-tech industrial agglomeration greatly. And MNCs have also been the most important driving power of Beijing's hi-tech industrial agglomeration these years. Finally, the paper puts forward that the formation of Beijing's hi-tech industrial agglomeration must be analyzed with a comprehensive view, and we should analyze the composition and specific functions of the influencing factors combined with Beijing's peculiarities.

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LI Guoping, SUN Tieshan, LU Minghua . A Study on the Process, Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Beijing's Hi-Tech Industrial Agglomeration[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003 , 58(6) : 927 -936 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200306016


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