Received date: 2005-06-27
Revised date: 2005-12-21
Online published: 2006-04-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.50574095; Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of P R China, No.200044
The changing rules of the landscape elements and their distribution in east Xuzhou coal mining area are analyzed by means of remote sensing images obtained in 1979, 1987 and 2001. From 1987 to 2001, the land area for urbanization and industrial purpose got expanded; the intensity of construction was becoming higher and higher; the waterlogged area resulted from mining subsidence increased; and the lands covered by plants decreased. About 9.55% of the farmland was transformed into construction land and 5.15% into waterlogged land. About 5.25% of the construction land was converted into farmlands by reclamation, being mainly derilict mining sites; and 3.21% into waterlogged land, being mainly located near mining industrial square. Some 14.86% of the subsided waterlogged land was reclaimed into farmland, being mainly located near the edge of the subsiding basin with less subsidence; and 10.88% into construction land, being mainly located near Hanqiao and Quantai coal mining industrial squares. Generally speaking, the area of farmland decreased 13.04%, construction land increased 37.62% and waterlogged land resulted from mining subsidence increased 137.62%. So, according to the land condition, it is very important to reclaim and reuse subsided waterlogged land effectively for different purposes, such as eco-agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, animal husbandry and processing industry.
Key words: mining; land use and land cover change; RS application; coal mining area; Xuzhou
BIAN Zhengfu, ZHANG Yanping . Land Use Changes in Xuzhou Coal Mining Area[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006 , 61(4) : 349 -358 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200604002
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