Analysis on the Change of the Spatial Pattern of Financial Service Industry in Guangzhou during the Transition Period
Received date: 2005-12-22
Revised date: 2006-04-12
Online published: 2006-08-25
Supported by
The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, No.40125003; Project of Philosophy & Social Sciences of Guangzhou
The institutional preconditions, behavior bases and the relationship between finance and urban space development have been emphasized when people pay more attention to the spatial dimension of urban finance during the progress of tertiarisation. The case studies on the change of spatial pattern of financial industry (SPFI) at the urban scale are scarce in China. Based on the second-hand data from 'the tertiary industry census'(1984), 'the basic units census'(1996, 2001), other socio-economic statistics and the first-hand data from field survey, this paper investigated the progress and causes of the change of SPFI during the transition period by using a set of combined methods, such as comparison, description and interpretation, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results show that: (1) There are two co-existing processes of the movement of the financial service industry during the transition period, including concentrating in the central districts from periphery districts and spreading to the new districts from the central districts. The initial spatial pattern as 'highly concentrating in Yuexiu District' has transformed to the current pattern as 'multi-spot concentrating in the central districts'. The generation of financial service industry comparatively agglomerative spots showed a 'South to North, and West to East' spatio-temporal movement process. (2) The systematic transition of socio-economic institutions and the evolvement of financial regulations were the preconditions of the variation of spatial pattern of financial service industry. The behavior of financial institutions was the micro-behavior base. And the expansion of urban space was the spatial tensile force. The economic effect of urbanization agglomeration widened the differentiation in financial service industry in each administrative division. The construction of office buildings in turn in an agglomerative form attracted the financial institutions to cluster at certain spots. (3) Dissimilar to the conditions of the cities of the Western countries, the headquarters location centre of high order financial services did not exist in Guangzhou, neither obvious decline of CBD nor 'abandoned' urban space could be discerned during the research period in Guangzhou.
Key words: financial service industry; spatial pattern; change; Guangzhou
LIN Zhangping, YAN Xiaopei . Analysis on the Change of the Spatial Pattern of Financial Service Industry in Guangzhou during the Transition Period[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006 , 61(8) : 818 -828 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200608004
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